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Posts posted by Media1

  1. 7 hours ago, Bangna Betty said:

    He’s been overseas and thought that, if too empty, a beach can feel lifeless. 


    Funny that in many areas in the world, huge efforts are made to preserve the natural beauty of beaches - ie focusing on clean sand and water and management of coastal habitats. All so people can enjoy the beauty of the natural environment and sports and recreation opportunities.  


    Never have I ever thought that a clean and natural sweep of beach -without deckchairs or food or beverage outlets, or vendors -was lifeless.    Rather, it’s a thing of beauty.


    Here, it’s just another opportunity for income generation. 

    He has no clue. That's why a election is a must do ASAP

  2. 11 hours ago, ezzra said:

    For starters, you not allowed to drive/ride parallel/abreast another

    vehicle on a single lane, but in Thailand as in Thailand, all road

    rules are advisory only and you do pretty much what you want

    on the road until you get caught by the police or be involved in an


    in this case, this is a minor traffic accident, and no matter who's at

    fault here, the farang will almost always end up wearing the blame and pay for damages...

    This is true. The The.is at fault. He probably had no helmet or licence. Which also means he is not to even be on the road. Let the Thais cry and scream.

  3. 7 hours ago, Thian said:

    Yesterday i walked on the sidewalk in Chinatown, just relaxed, nice cool weather.


    Then out of an alley came an old Chinese-Thai lady with a pushcart, she just had a new hair-do since it looked perfect. 


    She pushed that cart straight on the sidewalk expecting me to jump aside i guess which i didn't. So she drove the cart with the wheel against my shoe, i stopped and so did she. I told her i was just walking there on the empty sidewalk and she had to wait for me to pass. She refused and starting pushing the cart against my shoe/leg. I shouted AU AU loud so she stopped pushing it. I told her to go back and wait for me to pass, but she wouldn't.


    If this happened in Europ i would have thrown her whole cart full of vegetables on the street and her as well probably but i behaved myself.


    Some people (even old ladies) just ask for it since they're so rude.

    A back hander would have been in order

  4. 37 minutes ago, alien365 said:

    This man is clearly a danger to society, but sadly he will be let back out on to the roads to do the same again. I wonder if his reaction would have been the same if it was a Thai man behind the wheel or a westerner.

    Yes the RTP should be disbanded and replaced by temporary soldiers until new intelligent men are hired at good salaries and every dime back into the state coffers 

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