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Posts posted by Media1

  1. As I have said the regime never bothered with legitimate law reforms. The problem in Thailand is the existing police force. It's a absolute international joke. People's lives are put at risk due to there refusal to enforce common sense laws. What type of law allows people to be hanging out of a packed full Ute lol.

    The Lunatics are truly running the Asylum.


  2. 17 minutes ago, kaorop said:

    When i lived in an issarn town i saw and knew many thai men with good jobs or sucessful businesses supporting their families, their wives and wives families...they dont have the time, language skill or desire to associate with the average frang sloth whos on a noose held by a poorly educated poor issarn bargirl...stereotypes abound hey?

    Lol what a story. You were quite inventing. THAI man supporting and of superior intelligence you say. We need to get the full script and there maybe a story here in the fiction categories lol

  3. On 16/10/2017 at 10:37 AM, ezzra said:

    In the defense of the police and law enforcement agencies can be said

    that they have tried to tackle  and arrest the problems but the Thai

    justice system and the courts saw no faults with the way the zero

    dollar tour people

    have been conducting their business and thus the police are now

    powerless to do anything about these complaints....

    Haha the corrupt courts and Prayut strict non reform policies 

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