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Posts posted by Media1

  1. 12 minutes ago, newnative said:

    What utter nonsense.  My 4 American sisters just visited the last 2 weeks. They had no fear of coming here. They had a great time, by the way, and several would like to return with their husbands next time.  We were in the Immigration lines twice at the airport and there was a broad mix of tourists.  Yes, we are getting plenty of Chinese tourists.  So is Ankor Wat in Cambodia--we went there and it was swarming with Chinese.  So was the Palace in Bangkok.  Last summer it was the same story when my partner and I visited Tokyo.  Ditto for Sydney.  From what I've heard it's the same with popular European tourist spots.  There are over a billion Chinese and many now have money to travel.  Get used to it. 

    I doubt it. I travel all over. Thai majority only China. My Thai friends shops. Only China.

    Enjoy good PR for TAT..Apply

  2. 4 hours ago, Thian said:

    So Dubai is quite happy to be the home for corrupt criminals who are on the run??


    Not sure if i would like to fly Emirates again...i hate corruption.

    The corrupt criminals are here with a amnesty to exclude them from being pursued 

    They are also coup.leaders who committed high treason. Prawit talk bull. UAE knows about these old men. Yingluck will do as she please.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Get Real said:

    hmmmm....??? Would you please elaborate on that one a little bit more. Just maybe you can make it understandable for the masses.

    Did you get the China flag from the railway expanding plans? That my dear friend is a co-operation project. Not anything that is going to change the flag of the country.

    Lol they should buy a shoe shine kit for the Thai leaders to offer the China president . A.shine

    The masses haha what crap. For the generals to get filthy rich.

  4. 1 minute ago, Get Real said:

    Hopefully we can see the photo above like a bye bye now. Nothing more to do regarding these people in politics. The sooner all people understand that, the better.

    I know people going to speak about marionettes, puppet masters and so on..... but that is also only destructive for Thailand and it´s economical and political reputation in the world.

    Time to forget the past and start building the future. I guess that was just a dream. Just pinched myself and realized quickly that this was a 100 year plan.


    It´s the thought that counts, right???

    The best thing is another coup. The old farts are useless dinosaurs.  Any longer and the country will fly a China flag.

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