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Posts posted by Media1

  1. It's kids exactly like this which are the future leaders. What balls on this kid. Maybe I know his mother. 

    I bet he speaks English as well. This current coup leader has done exactly what this champion claims and worse. My opinion is his the worst leader in the history of Thailand. I bet Thai can't wait to see all these non English speaking generals gone. 

    As I say, The Lunatics are running the Asylum! 

  2. On 10/5/2017 at 2:39 PM, happylarry said:

    Yes, you can take your paperwork to the district office and they will register your divorce for you......but why bother unless you are going to get married again inThailand.???  You are divorced, period, and If you live in the UK and are not marrying again in Thailand then there is no benefit gained.



    Yes just wasted money

  3. On 8/26/2016 at 6:25 AM, The stuttering parrot said:

    Why should there be a debate?

    Its the local authorities job to get the dog catchers off their asses  and have the dogs rounded up.

    I love dogs but there are stray mongrels all over Thailand that need to be removed.

    Hope the girl gets over it as it could have been much worse.

    The most sensible post I have read

    Did I write it. City Hall should be thrown down the fire escape. The Lunatics are running the Asylum.

  4. On 8/26/2016 at 7:24 AM, futsukayoi said:


    The trouble is so many of these dogs are "owned" Thai style with many foreign residents taking the same approach.  large fines or jail for these people who don't control their dogs or ditch them when they move or leave the country is the only solution but almost impossible to implement without massive changes in peoples attitudes and behavior.

    Not owned no registration no government control. They are wild diseased pests.

    Forget it there breeding like Flys. Must be controlled removed or destroyed simple

  5. 3 hours ago, TKDfella said:

    Well, it might be a good idea, for you to go and dream and not read the comments on these topics. Nice dream though, pity it won't happen here (or anywhere else for that matter, Ha!)

    Ahh this blokes funny. Look what ever your on. Please I need some. People call me hot. Maybe you can help me 

  6. A time line of confusion and 20 cabinets all confused and can't boil a egg. A paper trail that Einstein would scratch his head at. All so the old broken downs can earn along with there kids who will further damage the country later. Everyone gets a crack. Until the next coup. They will interview Prayut in the nursing home.

    All they know is job description is to delay as long as possible.  For any classes please contact Meechai. 

  7. Yes I have instructions not to spend the old generals money that they have worked hard to extract from various projects and individuals..But there  has been some legitimate kick backs on arms deals. It seems a favourite amongst the old pensioners. They plan some nice photos later. I have also been asked out numerous times for tune up. Sports I haven't a clue but they like my rear end so up to you.

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