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Everything posted by wavodavo

  1. That was a mmerable jouney to Phi Phi as I went up to the top deck to get some fresh air and the crew were in the wheelhouse and the skipper were drinking whiskey and playing cards.
  2. The last time I was on a ferry to Phi Phi I searched everywhere for a life jacket.When I asked one of the deckies he said no ploblem captain good man ..he no sink boat.I was very much relieved after that.
  3. '' 29 men in a leaky boat " wasn't there a song about that ?..Ah that was 3 men.
  4. In the can they call those blokes rock spiders .He had better not drop the soap in the shower.
  5. Johnno, are you serious anybody who is involved in that kind of behavior whether they are perpetraitor or a co-ordinator deserves exactly the same punishment. you sure didn't think too much when you made that statement old mate.
  6. I saw a video on uk sun where one night the pommy couple were inside their villa and they noticed the neighbour carting away their potplants and went out to challenge them.The theif attacked the old bloke and then his lovely wife attacked the old girl and ko'd her. From what I saw in the video I cant't see how they turned this around.Maybe there was problems before with them .
  7. That's what I was wondering a lead sandwhich would fix that dog and one fot the dickhead owner as well.
  8. Regarding Private Hospitals and Emergency Departments in Australia I Don't know how many do have them but the Mater Hospital in Townsville does have one but is probably not much use because it's hours are 7am until 10 pm. It would be fair to say that most people go to emergency after these hours when the Drs.surgeries are closed.
  9. Sleepy Joe Biden could not do anything because he spent everyday either at the beach watching the waves come in or asleep down in his cellar.
  10. I'm sure that Sleepy Joe would have a few millions stashed away down in his cellar to help his son out.
  11. Congratulations Boby Boy that's the most sensible statement that you have ever offered on this forum.
  12. We have gotta Trump over here a.s.a.p...he'll exterminate the whole lot of these troubled people.
  13. Chump old mate why do you bother to reply to the idiot Batty Bobby If no-one answers him he just might ..might piss off.
  14. And so many different names and handles !!! Bobby Your keyboard must be smokin , !!!!
  15. Nt a week goes by when there is not someone either killed or maimed as a result crashing / rolling one of these machines on beaches or private property quite often young kids and teenagers and drunks.
  16. Why do these yobbos think when then come to Thailand on holiday that they can misbehave and get away with it ??
  17. First of all we don.t know what the old bloke did that upset the guard as it was a pretty vague report. Did he make a big problem with one of the girls or other staff....did he refuse to pay his bin ?? .We don't know. he must have done something bad as the guard was definately gonna make him pay and give him a thumping because he took of his uniform first before he hit him and then like a coward took off in the crowd.
  18. Some people get up everyday and search for something to offend them and upset them .If they can't find something they get frustrated and angry. These people have a real problem and need professional help.
  19. Well said future P.M G.B. I suggest you go onto You Tube and have a look for videos about Chinese and casinos in Sionoukkville in Cambodia.They absolutely stuffed it.
  20. I always hide my money in my dirty underpants in my bag.No theft yet.
  21. I haven't been to Cebu for 10 years and it was ok then but I hear that it is choked with traffic now much like Manila. As for Davao I have not been there yet although I want to because I could not get anybody to go with me. I offered to pay all expenses to my wifes relatatives...brothers , father , uncles ,neighbours , to go with me but no takers.They all said too dangerous but I believe its very nice there but you will need a couple of armed bodyguards if you go .Good luck.
  22. I suggest that you ask one of your staff if he or she can recommend their mother , auntie , sister , cousin, grand mother. friend etc. as a candidate for you as they will know you and your character and what kind of bloke you are.This would be better than dating sites where you take pot luck.
  23. I would take the advice of "Dr." Cheryl his sugar readings are normal and he doesn't have a problem with diabetes and just carry on with what he's doing and don't stress.What he needs to do is get his back problems sorted out so he can continue his bedroom activities.
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