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Everything posted by wavodavo

  1. The openig up electrical /electronics and testing them instore is normal fot Asia . that's becausethey don't have good consumer laws and if you opened up your phone and it didn't work and you took it back the next day they would just say it was working when you left out store so not our problem.
  2. Exactly right.You don't hear a story like this everyday where a foreign husband ripps of hisThai wife do you ??
  3. It was definately suicide ..he just held his breath and stopped breathing...case closed.
  4. In that picture Som looked a bit thin I think she needs a lead sandwich.
  5. Well if you own the railway company you can chose what carriage the passengers sit in..1st. class,2nd. 3rd, 4th. or left behind alltogether the station.
  6. That is rubbish !! If you make it too expensive for businesses to operate they will either sack all their staff and close down ..or move to China.
  7. Yup..it's just hoax to scare the richer countries to donate billions of dollars to the poorer countries such as Africa ,India Pacific Islands ..and CHINA???? . but they can continue to pollute non stop and every things o,k. Ithink that Trump will sort that out before he's finished.Today he announced that he's gonna take over Gaza rebuild it and control it,
  8. The poor old sod mst have given her a fair bit of cabbage before he died because how else could she afford to pay for the air ticket to london and the bond she has to put up for the legal fees ??...or maybe she will pay the lawyers fees in kind..on her back.
  9. Her beauty parlour's treatments havent worked too good on her have they ????
  10. Looks like bobby is back ! Is there a limit to the number of different handles one can use on this forum ???
  11. You are correct but we don't know if the police have his DNA from her remains and that may be enough to convince a jury to deliver a guilty verdict .
  12. From my experience the airline demanded the letter of authority first up before we could even check in so you must have the required paperwork or you won't get very far.
  13. I would say that the Thai authorities would not have got off their bum and gone have rounded him up and cancelled his visa etc. if the Brit Police didn't have a strong case . After all there is nothing in for them . He will be extradited to the U.K .and be charged with murder and face the court.From the video story I watched there is a lot of circumstantial evidence..didn't report her missing ...un-coperative etc. but is that enough ?? Ineresting that he wouldn't let the police talk to the daughter I bet she could help the Police. One thing is for sure the mongrol will lose that big fat guts if he"s held for a while in immigration detention in Bangkok.
  14. I don't know how anyone would think of doubting the police declaring it was suicide .Doesn't every body fracture their skull and break their ankle before they commit suicide.??
  15. Sales of electric cars in Australia has tanked in the last 12 months due to the long distances Australians have to travel and the poor range and when they find a charging station it is either occupied or not working so they are switching to hybrids.
  16. The question is why do governments have to give subsudies/ tax rebates ???? ? Answer ..... nobody would buy them !!!!
  17. Did he introduce himself as Ronald Biggs ????
  18. The exact same applies to Kevin Rudd in Australia. He was sent to the U.S. because is such an idiot and troublemaker and they wanted to get rid of him. Foreign Minister Wong is over there now begging Trump to not send him home.
  19. The U.K. is not the only country that will havea problem with their choice of Ambassadors to the U.S. Australia's current U.S Ambassador is ex P.M. Kevin Rudd who is known as Rudd the Dud. He was Ausrtalia's 2nd worst P.M. ever... the current one is the worst Anthony Albanese. When Trump was elected last time Rudd said publicly among other criticisms that Trump is a threat to the western world. After that in an interview he was asked if he was aware of the demeaning criticism from Rudd and he said that if he is still in the job when he is re-elected he we won't be there long So we will see what happens.It stands to reason that an Ambassador in a country has to get along with the leaders of the country that they are in.
  20. The pommy idiots must be getting upset because the Aussie Yobos have taken the headlines again.!!
  21. Look out Nigel Farage will be opposition leader soon ....and P.M. next.but I wish he would get a new set of teeth first I'm sure he can afford it.
  22. What a stupid statement..weather records going back 138,000 years.when was the thermonitor invented ???? Absolute b.s.
  23. What California in got to do is get rid of the greenies that run the place and start doing controlled burns in the canyons and mountains and get the residents to move large trees and shrubs and long grass that is too close to their houses. I watched videos of the fires and the fire raced up the mountain and the row of houses backing on to it had dry grass and trees right up to their back patio The firies had no hope of saving those houses.they could only move away and watch them burn.Then there was the dry fire hydrants. !!! Thats another story.
  24. Good point about timber and other flammable materials in these houses but the fire was ferocious and and was pushed by a 100 mph wind and would have had a temperature in the thousand of degrees and I doubt even a steel frame and roofed house would have fared any better. In such a fire the steel in a building melts and buckles from the heat. I also I heard the reporters say that a lot of the mansions were many years old when timber was the main material.The whole reason this was so bad is that people had large trees and high dry grass in there back yard and all around which backed onto a hill. Also there was a lot of huge trees on the footpaths that caught fire and the wind blew the embers across the road and set that house on fire....but California is too green to clear any high grass and make fire breaks.
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