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Posts posted by wavodavo

  1. The World is going CRAZY  !! What started as a novelty comedy act in the 60s and 70s where they overdressed in fancy gowns highly made up like Danny Larru in the uk and australia etc that looked stupid on purpose.In those days we didnt have many t.v. channels and these Cabaret was a popular form of entertainment but the difference then compared to the LGPAQTA/AQALPHABET perfomers  is that during their shows they laughed at themselves and they didnt have an axe to grind like the ones now.Fortuneately They have not changed and have retained th novelty factor and they are a great tourist attraction you  only have to see all the patrons line up to get their photos taken with the "girls" in walikng street or outside there theatre.. with the string of busses lined   outside.It would be a sad day if they become radicalised by the crazys who want 5 year old kids to change their sex.

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  2. On 5/12/2024 at 11:21 PM, AreYouGerman said:

    Whoever liked Thailand 15 years ago will love the Phillipines.


    Also, don't forget the other perks the Phillipines has to offer:


    - Easy Visa for under 50 yo's

    - No Taxes for Aliens

    - Christianity

    - Good Thai food

    - More travel options

    - Less prostitution

    - natural beaches



  3. Just now, wavodavo said:

    Firstly.. The main reason that the Philipines is so backward is Corruption !!. yes there is corruption in Thailand..but they are only amateurs compared to Philipines.It is so obvious you can see it everywhere.Regarding shoes my wife is trying to compete with Imelda Marcos and she is amost there. 


  4. On 5/12/2024 at 9:46 PM, GammaGlobulin said:



    It's all a result of the shoe scandal many years ago.

    They have not yet recovered from all those shoes.


    And, the English there is an abomination.


    Even I speak English better than they.



    Firstly.. The main reason that the Philipines is so backward is Corruption !!. yes there is corruption in Thailand..but they are only amateurs compared to Thailand.It is so obvious you can see it everywhere.

  5. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    Massage expectations should be discussed up front. Always. If it is a real massage, discuss your limits, in terms of pain. I prefer a massage that does not cause me great pain. 

    If a Thai massage so soft that you dont feel any pain then you have wasted your money.When I go for a massage I bypass all the pretty little young  petite girls and select a bigger stronger one on purpose .you might have to endure  some discomfort but you will feel good the next day.

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  6. So did I but its all about saving money and cutting staff even though the biggest banks are making arouhd 1 $billion dollars every 6 months.In fact 2,100 bank branches have closed in Australia since 2017 and the towns that still have a bank branch have moved  it  into a shopping mall and have only 1 ot 2 staff instead of 20+ before and some only open for half a day.  Lately there has been a large number of internet only banks open up that dont even have a branch.I think its B.S if you ask me.

  7. On 4/20/2024 at 11:08 AM, georgegeorgia said:

    But what are the reasons for tipping ?

    Is it because you"d feel guilty if you didn't ?

    Or because the "service" was higher than normal ?

    Or you feel compelled?



    In Auustralia we dont really have a tipping culture because hospitality staff are very well paid but if the sevice is exeptional I will tip the barman or waitress not when paying the bill but before I go I hand it to them and it goes in their pocket and is not shared with others...In Thailand where wages are low I tip all of the service staff 20-40 THB  except a taxi driver who has ripped me off ..they get nothing. If I have had a poor experience they get no tip.I also leaveall my coins in my room and make sure I tell my cleaners before I check out.So I basicly pay on performance. After 40 trips to Thailand in 30 years I have had no problems,

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  8. This is not a new idea as in australia the banks have been closing in the hundreds in the last few years and at  most of the ones  still open you cannot withdraw or deposit CASH.so they have done a deal with Australia Post to take over their business for them but the customers are not happy because Australia is a big country and many small towns now dont have a bank nor a Post Office and have to travel hundred of kilometres over rough gravel roads to do their banking.

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  9. 16 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    I've used my horn about 3 times in years, Vietnam and India hell holes where all you can here is horns.The drivers hands are constantly on it.

    You should go to Manila if you want tooting horns

  10. 22 hours ago, Korat Kiwi said:

    Geez I didn't know it had gotten that bad over there. 

    From my obsevations in P.I most of the guards that are statined at every bank,K.F.C Mc.donalds,bank shopping centre 7/11,etc. are very young men/boys and although they are fully kitted out for action and look the part I wonder what they would do if confroned.Life is so cheap their that the crims would just shoot the guards dead and go ahead and do the robbery.

  11. 17 hours ago, bob smith said:

    ...it's Friday!!

    I've had a few days off the booze as I have been feeling a bit under the weather, but I think I'm gonna sink a few beers tonight.

    Anyone else?


    My thai new year celebrations start at 6pm tonight.

    me and mrs. smith are goin traveling about the place until the end of April.

    who knows, we might be stopping at a hotel near you!!!


    Don't worry, I'll still find the time to make a thread or two 😉 


    have a great weekend people!



    Yeah bob im in Australia..give me a ring when you hit town and we can go out and hit the piss.

  12. 18 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    Gaining weight won't be the only problem, sudden mood swings can cause some issues too.

    Time to trade her in for a new model.My philipina wifes menapause was 10 years of hell for me !!

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  13. 18 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

    Having had many Filipino visitors in TH; the most concise statement one made regarding this was..... The Philippines could be like Thailand in 20 years with foresight, planning, & the will to complete what they start....She believed that the people just didn't have drive to complete projects....

    The PI is full of projects left only partially completed and abandoned....

    Too much corruption in P.I...Yes there is corruption in Thailand.. but they are ameteurs compared to Philipines.

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  14. On 12/21/2023 at 1:08 PM, Furioso said:

    Congrats, your still young(30's)and you know what you want. I do believe it's harder after the age of 30, than when you're in your 20's. A guy in his 30's is definitely considered an adult, where a guy in his 20's is still considered an extension of his teenage years. Most guys in their 30's obviously not only look older but have had a marriage/kids/divorce..but they are more mature and usually better off financially. I've been here in Thailand 18 months I've seen a few successes but they are rare. Most successes are older guys who have 40'ish wives who are very plain looking. As far as good looking girls go--one guy I know is 56 he's very well off financially, always been very smart, he has a nice much younger gf he looked around here in Pattaya area for 3 years to finally pick the right one. Another guy is 62 he has a much younger g/f, she's a marathon runner all he had to do was buy her a 15-20 million baht condo in Jomtien.  


    I hang out with a lot of friends here in Pattaya, the guys who don't commit are happy 24/7. 90% of the guys who commit are unhappy at least half the time. The sex addicts are, of course, miserable. The alcoholics are, of course, happy lol. 


    My advice to a guy in his 30's who knows what he wants? If you can be happy with a plain girl, you'll probably be alright. If you want a pretty girl you should really plan everything out to the nth degree otherwise you'll lose control and be miserable. If you have 1k-7k Euros a month I'd say VERY DIFFICULT you can get and keep a pretty girl. If you don't have 8k Euros a month you're young you can reinvent yourself and get it. I wouldn't try Thailand though, I'd probably go for a nice S. Korean girl who wants out of S. Korea(they work hard and are much better looking) or go for a nice Colombian girl(you can be 100% that they will take care of your kids).


    Yes, you can make Thailand work for you but it's simply too hard and you need a lot of money. 

    I woukd suggest he concentrates on the philipines for a future wife...they all speak english which is a big help and they are great mothers.I tried Thai women but ended up with philipina wife now  25 years married  and 1 son.  Inrfrastructor and Medical facilities are better in Thailand but you dont have to live there.

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