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Posts posted by ICELANDMAN

  1. 1 hour ago, cornishcarlos said:


    I think you underestimate the effectiveness of using an infra red thermometer, especially by untrained gangsters !! With a 14+ day incubation period, lots will not show any symptoms while moving from province to province anyway... 

    No I don't overestimate the use digital thermometer, every one know 14 day incubation period but here we are in Thailand where the public hospital system is from the third or fourth world, so at least stopping the unconscious ones carrying the virus is at least decreasing the spread of the virus by 50%


    • Confused 2
  2. 23 hours ago, ParkerN said:

    Truth is not valued in Thai society, only what is convenient for the purposes of the moment is important, and any moral messages are lost very quickly. It's possible, perhaps even probable, that there are some people in Thailand (including in the government) who value truth for its own sake, but in my view, it's a very small percentage people who are smart enough to the stand above the prevailing culture. Thai culture, apart from not valuing truth, is extremely intolerant of people who do no people who do not comply with the Borg, and who wish to follow their conscience. Thai culture is a group game, not an individual game, and people that do not comply are quickly ostracised or otherwise punished for the impertinence (or, more accurately the impudence thinking they're better than other Thais). Like forest animals in a forest clearing, they were always equate what is culturally familiar, with what is safe.

    All Asian countries are as you describe them and it is not a defect as it seems to me that you write it, it is also a collective force on our western worlds where it is the individual who rewards, their recent economic success proves it. The Asian system is also more suitable for dealing with situations like this war like the virus and I am convinced that at the end of this world battle only Asian countries will get better from both a health and an economic point of view. The freedom to tell the truth sometimes negates the survival of an entire population as in the case of a general panic that is observed in our western countries, Italy is a clear example of how panic caused the general diffusion in the country of the Conavid19


  3. 12 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    Everything Thailand OK. Sure.


    I am an American from California. I lived and worked in Hollywood in the film industry for 40 years. I lived in giant earthquake and riot country. To say the least I have always had a "Go Bag". I am a Amateur Radio operator licensed in 1985 and active in emergency communications in So. Ca for decades.


    I bought property in Montana in 1995 (101 rai and about a thousand trees and a creek) specially for this type of event. That decision came out of a series of very large earthquakes and the Rodney King riots where police and fire were overwhelmed. I had everything I needed to live in my second home in Montana. In Los Angeles I had a custom Chevy Suburban with $18,000 in after market modification and $14,000 in communications equipment. The fire chief of the city of Burbank (where Warner Bros and Disney Studios are located) said I have more communications capability than he had. All of this was a hobby.


    When I retired and moved to Thailand six years I sold everything. I jokingly told my friends "You are on your own, I'll be in Soi Cowboy". One of the best non investments I made was my guns and ammo. After 25 years I sold my gun collection for much more than I paid for it. Amazing what AK47 ammo is worth now. 


    What was my criteria for choosing a Thai city to live in? The answer is where does the big guy go in a emergency? Because if it is good enough for him, it is good enough for me. That is one reason why I am in Hua Hin.


    For those of you who live here "permanently" like I do, I would get a small backpack and put every vital document and medication you need in it. Including cash in both Thai and home currency. All credit cards, ATM cards, all banks, all countries. Visualize being asked to leave and you have five minutes to do it. I am not saying that is going to happen, but that is the criteria for selecting what goes in the pack. Not clothes or anything like that.   


    I started stocking up in February. I have everything i need. I repeatedly told people to do the same on this forum. some listened. most did not.

    Like most of you I eat out almost every meal except breakfast. I don't even own a microwave here, never ever would eat frozen food under any circumstance, or anything that was not fresh. But I did buy a lot of raw chicken and other protein that is now frozen with a ton of other basics. I hope I don't need it, but I am set for eight weeks without having to go out.


    Three weeks ago I said on this forum there would be a ban on inter providence travel. That comment was met with a avalanche of people saying that could never happen. I was called stupid.   


    Three weeks ago I said everyone needs to decide now where they want to be. That comment actually got people talking.


    In mid February I did major service on my funny little Honda Click. New tires, new intertubes, two boxes of spare intertubes,

    Same with my 650 motorcycle. New tires, full service at 36k kilometers, new brakes. And topped up the tank so I have at least 5.5 US gallons of fuel "stored". Where am I going? No where. But at least my transportation is as really as it can be for the really icky part of this movie that has not happened yet.  


    I am sure there are people up north who are really ready because they have generators, water makers, gardens, solar and already live that type of life. 


    I am glad TV final got a virus forum. I did not see an announcement of any type. A banner would have been nice. My suggestion is TV should stop using any resources on fluff stories about celebrities or any thing not specifically about the virus.


    TV is full of mask and virus deniers and haters who rip helpful people like Ricard Barrow apart. I would suggest their comments just be deleted from this point forward. 


    Twitter and Tweetdeck is a amazing resource. I have four accounts I use to monitor the movement of US military flights including B52's and B2 bombers and other nuke forces along with a whole list of other stuff. the virus that originated in China popped up there in the very early stages. That is how I knew about the virus so early. 


    I have been having a great time living in Thailand, coming here with a laptop, a ipad and two duffel bags of clothes. It was really freeing to be retired and out of the USA. I really hope the global economy does not collapse.  


    Sorry for the rant good luck everybody.

    It seems to me that you are writing your next departure, I am also from Hua Hin and I not thing I have to go away now.

    On the contrary, I am convinced that Thailand is now the best place against coronavirus because the virus dies soon with the heat and humidity.

    If you mean that USA are going to bomb China with nuclear bombs then we would no longer have a place to live even with a motorbike or without

  4. 4 hours ago, kenk24 said:

    or not..


    I have no interest in leaving... my life is good here and I have family... out in the countryside so, not many major inconveniences for me... I could die here too... 

    From Italy the truth is that now all the deaths count instead the coronavirus deaths are only 12% information comes from the WHO.

  5. 12 hours ago, Skallywag said:

    Appreciate the darwinian undertones.

    Agree human population numbers and our habits have increasingly damaged "Nature".  Air pollution levels lower in China as people are quarantined and cannot drive, take a bus, or train. 

    Heard that canal and river waterways in Italy are clearer, etc..

    A recent research on the virus also indicates that the pollution facilitates the propagation of the Covid19 virus with the pollution and being the area of northern Italy the most polluted in Europe would explain the high number of contaminated, then we must expect the same in Thailand with Chiang Mai and Bangkok in the front row.

  6. 16 hours ago, AlQaholic said:

    Studies in Italy and Iceland suggest that 50% of infected people show no symptoms whatsoever. These people are carriers without even knowing it. The only way to stop the spread is total lock-down like they did in China or testing everyone including all people without symptoms.

    Tell me your source please


  7. On 3/19/2020 at 12:22 PM, trainman34014 said:

    Everything i have ever bought that says on it 'Made in Thailand' has fallen to bits or expired one way or another in record time !  Just can't imagine these 'Kits' will be of any better quality.


    Your best protection is to stay behind your own front door as much as possible until this 'war' is over; only venture out for required supplies.

    Some experts says the virus that it can last from one year to two years, and two years also for the distribution of the vaccine, so I think we should stay a long time in front of own the door

  8. Boing bought 45 billion of his own shares to support his stock market listing because the shareholders received high compensation, including management, and now he no longer has the necessary liquidity to stay afloat in times of crisis and all this management now weighs heavily on employees as always and no one in prison. This lady just wants to save her ass now and came back politic for next president staff

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

    I've seen RO systems that plug into an existing faucet, lazada should have them.


    At our place I have placed large UV germicidal lights right in the underwater storage tank and they run every day for three hours, the incoming water has already been through filtration. It then gets pumped throughout the house and we use a mazuma 4-stage filter for drinking water. This setup gives us a capacity of about 10,000L of drinking water. I'm more worried about shortage of beer.

    Put the beer in the same place so it's always fresh

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