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Posts posted by ICELANDMAN

  1. 21 hours ago, Pdavies99 said:

    What rubbish! Another foreigner who thinks Pattaya and Bangkok represent the wealth of Thailand!!!


    Get out into the country and see if thre is any wealth, stop believing the Newspapers,  Thailand is still 90% poor.

    I agree, majority Thais people 90% have not more 3500 baths on the bank account, only the majority public government employment 8% is the really middle class where the corruption is normal and accepted by incompetent governments, and nobody will change this, western governments is not also a better way, the corruption on the world is growing every where.

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  2. On 1/1/2020 at 11:26 AM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

     A HEPA air purifier is going to do a better job of cleaning your indoor air, especially the smallest particles that are the most harmful, compared to the Filtrete sheets. The Filtrete sheets are better than nothing. But less capable than a HEPA filter.


    I run my room air purifiers as needed to keep my PM2.5 readings in the room below 12 micrograms. If the ambient air is REALLY bad and my air purifiers couldn't keep up, then I'd add Filtrete sheets to my air con in addition.



    Bad idea to put PM 2.5 filters on the air conditioners because the air conditioners also help to clean the air, put the filters in addition to quickly blocking and the air inlets prevents their proper functioning, the air conditioners also remove the micro particles with condensation on the air conditioner coils , the two machines can work well in parallel for a quick improvement of the air.


  3. On 12/30/2019 at 4:02 PM, bobthomas said:

    The reason we came to live in Thailand in the first place, is the same reason we will leave.


    Change! New Horizons! New adventures!


    Once my house in Kanchanaburi is sold, I too shall be gone.


    It's been a great 20 years! Bangkok, Samui, Jomtien, Kanchanaburi- many great adventures.


    But honestly? I would be bored if I had to do those 20 years over.


    You can only come to Thailand for the first time.....once!


    Uncle Bob



    20 years is a long time, better 10 years is what I have always done, now I am in my eighth year, next two year by by Thailand




  4. 19 hours ago, pattayapip said:

    I have decided to replace 2 x 18,000 BTU Daikin units in my Condo, and after reading here, and also my own experience of Daikin to replace again with Daikin
    My question being, The Condo is in Jomtien (VT2) and is a rental, would you buy Inverter Unit or Standard ? Is there a big price difference ?
    Plus, any recommended Supplier and installers local to Jomtien with a good reputation ?
    Any help suggestion would be appreciated thanks

    Before buying a new air conditioner I think it is better that you ask the owner if you can deduct the expense from your rent, normally the owner accepts if he is a correct person.

    Yes, inverter is the best, - 10/15% bill



  5. 12 hours ago, Mick501 said:

    You're right, I'm not anything.   I see both good and stupidity in all religions.  I was genuinely interested whether the pope actually said the things you attributed to him.   Whilst I hold no love for the dude, it would surprise me if he claimed to be god.

    In the Catholic religion the Pope is infallible in his decisions because the representative of God on Earth is illuminated by God, that is, I was taught by a Catholic priest when I was a child, I don't think that this position has changed in the Catholic church.

    I think now that in my view this is a Pope devolved to the globalist cause for world slavery from what he actually says and does to the devil's apparent.


    It would be interesting to know what this Asian lady said to him, I can't understand it on the video because my English is low level, to better understand what this violent reaction was.
    Can anyone interpret it please ?


  6. 3 hours ago, Dustdevil said:

    I love Chinese women but having visited several times, and knowing the government, I'd never live there. Overcrowded, gov't surveillance, polluted, bad food (trips to the bathroom every time), noisy and everything is heavily censored. Have to play a lot of anti-Great Firewall games just to read my NY Times. I'd settle for a gf in the Philippines or Chiang Mai (and disappear every burn season). Probably the latter, because the internet in the Philippines is a joke. I had a serious gf in Saigon too--Vietnam might be the best bet and also with the most beautiful women.

    I agree but why Vietnam if you not like communist country or there the communist systeme is different  ?

  7. 17 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:


    Because they have an unfriendly Embassy in Thailand ? :unsure:

    Seems to be specific to US, UK & AU only.


    Too early for exact statistics, but from my consulate the number

    of French living in Thailand increased in 2019, as it does every year.

    Yes, because France has become an uncontrollable country, the French flee the tyranny of Macron, tax hell, invasion Muslims, and more.... in many countries Asia,  another countries Europe, America and...

    • Like 1
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  8. 1 hour ago, Hans007 said:

    It all depends Where you are in China!!! I was in Shenzhen recently and i found it very very very expensive!!! Mibd you...my gf is chinese....so i know what i am talking about.


    Btw cudos about leaving Thailand. That country imho is way overrated. Not worth it....



    I agree go away Thailand for go China is not a smart choice.

    A claimed he lives in northern China so it should now be well frozen. ????

  9. I think if you can choose a fairly rural and breezy place I don't think that pollution is a problem in Thailand, apart from your Thai neighbor who burns green vegetables because he thinks that he looks good to his animals, must calculate the direction wind and close and open window house is my preferred angry past time. 

    • Confused 1
  10. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    I am not a visitor. I have lived here well over a decade. First visit was in 1976, so I know the place fairly well.

    I suppose if we are still in Thailand it is because we still find in spite of everything that the country offers what we expect otherwise we would have already left a long time ago. When I see the sad and worried faces of my country where everything is perfect I miss the chaos of LOS.
    Happy new year 2020


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  11. On 12/30/2019 at 9:57 AM, spidermike007 said:


    Here are a few of my posts, praising Thailand, and the Thai people and women.


    I still find Thailand to be a wonderful place to live. I enjoy every day here. Have some great friends here, have a wonderful relationship with an amazing Thai woman, and I adore her family, who are really good, hard working, honest, kindhearted, fun loving, generous souls. I also like most Thai people I encounter. Of course, I do have the good fortune of not having to live on Samui (was there for many years, when it was a far better version of itself, than it is today) Phuket, or Pattaya, where the local people tend to not be as much fun to be around, as they are jaded, and have to put up with alot of fools (probably the small minority of the local ex-pats, who make it harder for all of us), and live in an area where people are delightful. 


    My woman is joyful, playful and light hearted. The same lovely woman from one day to the next. She has a smile on her face when she wakes up in the morning. Never experienced that in the states. Some Thais manifest that unbearable lightness of being, that is so delightful to be around. I cannot really get enough of that spirit, and feel so blessed to be around that, and to have found such a well adjusted and delightful creature. 


    This is an entirely subjective topic, of course. But some of us live very good lives here. Some of us have been fortunate enough to find an outstanding woman, who is delightful to be around, on a daily basis, always has our back, and is fun, smart, and lovely. For me, that likelihood of finding that back in the US, would be very low. So, that is a big factor for me. The second factor is just the quality of life. Sure, I miss alot of the culture back home. The theatre, independent film (which I can download here with no issues at all, and a super fast 180mbps fiber optic connection, at under 800 baht per month!), stand up comedy, live jazz, etc. But I have a lovely home that I rent, for about 10% of what I would pay in California, I live very well on an income which is not huge, have access to great health care, at a tiny fraction of what it costs in the US, and do not have to put up with alot of the aggravation that I had to when I lived back there. I would not want to move back there, unless I was either being paid a million dollars a year, or the situation was dire. 


    Sure, Thailand has changed. My first trip here was in 1976! It was so much different than now. The politics here are absolutely regressive. The army is horrendous. Will that ever improve? I think so. I think the youth will eventually oust them, as they are virtually useless to Thai society, with the exception of protecting the elite. those in power and the super wealthy. But alot of things here have improved since then. The infrastructure here is quite good. Sure they could use a high speed rail. That would be amazing. Hopefully it will happen. The whole world is different now. The whole planet is being affected by a greatly expanding population, inflation, environmental issues, politics, and congestion. So, we are going to experience some of that no matter where we are. All I know, is that every day I wake up, I am very glad to be here, very glad to be with the woman I am with, and thankful for my life. Would I feel the same way in the US? I seriously doubt it. Most of my friends back in the US, say they would trade positions with me, in a heartbeat, if they could. I believe them. And I feel for them. The quality of life where I came from is a pale shadow of what it used to be. No thanks. 


    Because I have some issues with the place, I am not entitled to complain, or voice my opinions? Half of the posts on this forum are complaints. What is wrong with that? Don't we need someplace to vent? Why the sensitivity? Why such thin skin? Though absolute contentment must be a beautiful thing to be blessed with, it is not something most of us enjoy. The fact that I complain does not mean I do not love Thailand, my lifestyle, and most of the Thai people. I have a good life here. But, I do have some issues with the place, as most do, and I do not like the government, and there are some things I would like to see improved. Do you not see any room for improvement? I should leave because I complain? 

    I thank you for your declaration of love for Thailand

    39 million happy visitors like you or almost




  12. 7 hours ago, sirocco said:

    Résultat de recherche d'images pour "LES chinois mangent les chiens""


    It seems to me that, since the increase in Chinese, the number of dogs has been decreasing.
    Regularly, a good smell of barbecue comes to my nose, different from the usual one and from the smoke that envelops you.
    The Chinese know very well how to cook dogs and even celebrate dog meat day in June.


    Good breakfast



    Yes, I have also noticed that the number of dogs decreases in particular periods of the year I have always wondered where they had been transferred, now I can have a better idea also who pays all these people to bring food to the dogs every day.


    • Haha 1
    If I have to pay compulsory and evident insurance, I would prefer to pay in any country in Europe where I would have serious insurance that covers all possible costs for a price slightly higher than the fraudulent Thais insurance.
    Consequence for the Thai all my bank deposits will start abroad as my consistent monthly income.
    There are many beautiful and pleasant places to live in Europe there is only spoiled for choice, it will be a little colder but on the other hand it will not be an insurmountable hot and polluted environment like Thailand.
    As a result, all voluntary obligations to a Thai family will be terminated. Marriage for men in every country is a mistake but it is a more serious mistake for farang men in Thailand where we do not count for Thai law.
    My personal freedom has never been priced and I don't intend to change now because the Thai government has decided that it pushes the farangs to marry their abandoned women with dependent children like someone who made this comment on this forum.
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