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Everything posted by theshu25

  1. He could do 1000 posts in 4 hours ,easy. Al;ready over 2000 for the week, not bad going, but obviously 1999 of his posts were complete rubbish.
  2. The ex junkie is in charge of the health of the USA, Unbeleiveable.
  3. The filthy scamming ,grifting conman is very very easy to hate.
  4. Only to be replaced by the biggest cons and scammers of them all, The Trumps.
  5. Are you talking about make up boy Vance?
  6. Zelensky must be wondering to himself ,whay am i talking to these two idiots. They have not a brain cell between them.
  7. Your uncle would be no where as weird as the OP. Now he is weird.
  8. Totally agree, Trump and his little make up wearing freak Vance not fit enought to be running a Hamburger stand let alone the most importnat country in the world.
  9. As if the orange conman freak was not a part of that scene. I am sure anything to do with his name on it has been deleted.
  10. Yes,but no one cares what you think as you have no idea at all about anything.
  11. Yes,they both showed their true colors today, no negotiating skills whatsoever,just two loud mouth classless grubs.
  12. Trump and make up man showed their true colours today. Both scumbags of the highest order. Would not expect any better of the orange grifter as it has the brain of an ant ,but make up man i thought may have been more knowledagable and calmer.
  13. USA does not have the biggest economy.
  14. A bit like the game show host and grifter Trump trying to be a president i guess.
  15. But that idiot said he does not sweat,hahaha.
  16. Well you for one would know all about retarded
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 65 seconds  
  18. You gay waiter made Trump look like the fool he is when he pulled the conman up for his continuos lying. Has there ever in the history of the USA been a stupider president them the orange grifting conman.
  19. I see the junkie and the orange con have already backed down on this and are saying now that it is all voluntary if you reply to the email about what you did last week. What a joke these two morons are.
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