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Everything posted by theshu25

  1. Now this was pretty sick. How petty the orange grifter actually is.
  2. The only SS Musk is interested in is the German version.
  3. Geld the animal before they do anything else.
  4. Pity th e horse didn't kick the little mongrel in the head,may have knocked sone sense into the sick mongrel
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 82 seconds  
  6. Your not intelligent enough to realise what is happening.
  7. The village idiot has not got the brain to have a plan. No way this idiot can last 4 yrs,and thats including the 2 years the mongol will spend playing golf.
  8. He does have a concept of a plan.
  9. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 94 seconds  
  10. Bit rich ,coming from the king of Keyboard Warriors himself.
  11. Genius? You must be joking. The village idiot has the brain of an ant. Only in it for the con, to see how much he can scam of honest hard working people.
  12. Why do you have to lie so much? ,You just feel inadequate or you have no real freinds. I think you need some professional help.
  13. The Op must get very sore hands after a while.
  14. looks like the deal has sunk to new levels.
  15. I just completed this quiz. My Score 16/100 My Time 94 seconds  
  16. And he is not very good at it. Like every thing he touches he will stuff it up as per usual. Would not leave the idiot in charge of a hamburger stand.
  17. No way the grifter will last 4 years. He will get bored and move on to another con.
  18. The truth,but you would not understand that as it is way over your head.
  19. Thats a bit rich coming from the most pathetic person to have ever posted on this site.
  20. Only because you are a pathetic little whinging crybaby who has no balls.
  21. Briliant,not only did the loser have bone spurs, he didnt have the intelligence to pass the IQ test required.
  22. The rapist is not fit enough to run a hamburger stand let alone the USA. Changes it's mind more then he cons people and thats his full time job.
  23. And replaced with the biggest scamming and con family in USA
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