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Posts posted by Barley

  1. Going from Singharat Road into Rachadamnoen Road the 1st exchange place on the left side (need to go up some stairs) has much better rates than any other place I have seen. But I have not compared with the other place mentioned above.

    Would be good to know which place is better.

  2. Sometimes I wonder how Grab selects their drivers.

    Today I had a driver who seemed to be a bit insecure.

    So 1st I asked him if his car was new. He said yes, 2 weeks old.

    Then I asked him if he got his driver's license at the same time 2 weeks ago and he also answered yes.

    Then I gave him a few tips on driving.

    But really I am surprised these companies hire drivers with very little experience to transport passengers.

  3. I need a residence certificate to buy a condo.


    Is this certificate a trivial thing or what is involved?


    I entered the kingdom on a visa waiver and in the beginning I stayed for a few days with an acquaintance who helped me obtain a bank account by giving me a 12 month lease.


    The original is with the bank and I only have a photocopy of it.


    The photocopy is not witnessed, since the bottom part with the witness section was cut off by the copier.


    After staying with that person for a couple of days I moved to a hotel like facility which was more central. I also signed a 20 day lease with the hotel owner because the rent was much better than the daily rate. Now I extended 10 days with a new rental agreement signed.


    Will it be possible to get the certificate of residence on the basis of these documents? Which ones should I bring and show?

  4. I have just been told that I nerd a residence certificate to buy a condo.

    I have a photocopy of a 12 month lease which was used to get my bank account, will that be sufficient (the original is with the bank)?

    The photocopy is not witnessed, since the bottom part with the witness section was cut off by the copier.

    Please note that I am on tourist exempt visa extension.

    Except my passport, do I need any other documents?

  5. [mention=99794]KhunBENQ[/mention]


    Not you are confused, but I was and you set it straight.


    In my first post you find a link to my visa question thread, and I did get confused about the subject matter of the 800K which other members in that thread described correctly just like you did. Thank you for correcting me.


    I just have a strong aversion (maybe even a phobia) to any kind of government red tape - meaning showing up at some kind of government office and talking with a bureaucrat about government rules and regulations - especially stuff I am not very familiar with and having to rely on that person's mercy.


    That's why the idea of a longer term visa (o-x) which needs not be extended so often appeals to me even though I need to commit more funds to it.


    Nevertheless there still are a lot of banking questions in my first and second post that I am still not clear about.





  6. Thanks for your help. I was planning to use transferwise.com because that seems to be how to get the best rate.


    I always thought that the TBH is not restricted and a free floating currency.


    Can other people confirm that transferwise.com transfers can not be exported or are there any workarounds?


    Would you be able to tell me if I need to go to the same branch or can I go to any branch for service?

  7. Hello,

    With the help of an acquaintance well known to the manager of a Bangkok bank branch, who accompanied me and gave me a rental contract, I was able to open a passbook savings account with a generic debit card.


    The branch is quite a distance from my current residence.


    I would like to transfer 800.000 or 3 million baht via transferwise.com to that account to get an o-a or o-x visa in my country (I haven't decided yet but tend towards the o-x since I really don't like government red tape).


    I understand it only takes a couple of days to transfer via transferwise.com.


    Now the embassy says I need 3 copies:

    1. Certificate of deposit with bank account data

    2. Copy of deposit book

    3. Copy of account statement


    So my questions are;


    A.) No. 2 makes sense, but what is meant by the other two? Can't I just go to any branch and tell them to enter the deposit in my passbook?


    B.) What about if the money doesn't arrive this week and I am back in my country. How to get the documents in this case?


    C.) When opening the account they didn't want to set up internet banking - I didn't really understand why - maybe the head office needed to check out some things(?). Can I go this week to any branch to set up internet banking?


    D.) After the money arrived and f. e. I decide I don't want to use the o-x visa any more or not stay in Thailand for any amount of time, can I simply transfer the money out to my European account again or are there any bank restrictions?


    E.) When, where and how do I have to prove in Thailand that 3 or 1.5 (after 1 year) million baht are still in my account?


    D.) Suppose I get the o-x visa but only stay twice a year for less than 90 days, do I still have to prove in Thailand that 3 or 1.5 (after 1 year) million baht are still in my account?


    (In case this question seems weird to you, please refer to my thread here for more background https://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1029402-Non-Visa-Entry-Then-Get-1-yr-Visa)


    E.) Are there any peculiarities or tips about the o-x visa that I should keep in mind?


    F.) After 1 year of having the o-x visa, can I use half of the 3 million baht towards the purchase of a condo?


    G.) If I take out some of the 3 million after one year, it is supposed to be spent within the country for visa eligibility to continue. Would cash withdrawals qualify or must it be debits to Thai businesses (I am more of a cash person)?


    Thanks so much for your help.



  8. That's a good question.


    From what I have heard, you need to have a small income transaction, like renting out your flat, your car, your computer, taxable investment income from inside the country, or something like that which has not to do with employment (being obviously out of the question).


    Usually any income tax authority, when approached with "Hey, I want to pay taxes and in order to file a return, I will need a tax ID!" happily issues it, because that's there raison d'etre.



  9. @JackThompson
    Thank you very much for your clear explanations. This was an important point I did not know before.

    "He's not revoking citizenship - just residency"


    "As said before you do not really need to get a 2nd OA visa since you can apply for a one year extension of stay at immigration here during the last 30 days of any of the 12 month entries from  the OAvisa."

    Maybe I misunderstood, but from the comments here I assume that after the two years are over, I have to get a new visa.

    So it is this case I was referring to.

  10. Okay, let me explain:


    To get this non O-A visa, I need to provide a clean bill of health (meaning no convictions) from the local police station of the city of my residence.


    I can do that for my first visa application.


    Since one of my goals of my gaining residency in Thailand is also tax savings, I will need to formally give up or revoke my residency in Europe to exit their tax system so that I can have tax savings, because as a retired foreign resident of Thailand, the Kingdom does not tax me on my worldwide investment income but only on my local Thai income (which I don't have).


    Having given up residency in Europe for this purpose, when it is time for my second visa after a year or two, I will not be able to go to the police any more and get this "no conviction certification" from them, because I am not registered in Europe any longer, therefore I won't be able to get the second visa after the first one expired.


    Was I able to explain the issue in an understandable way?



  11. Thank you[mention=247476]JackThompson[/mention] for your helpful clarification.


    If I understand you correctly, I need to be 11 months straight in the Kingdom, to apply in the last 30 days of the permitted 12 months stay for a retirement extension.


    In this case this visa would not be helpful for me, because I don't plan to stay for that long, as I already tried to explain before.


    "As opposed to most queries on this forum which deal with staying as long as possible in Thailand, I really only need/want to stay for like twice a year for a month each, since my focus is more on getting residency for tax reasons, if that would be possible.


    In addition to that time I will spend 4-5 months in other Asian countries"


    So then why do I need a visa? Because I need a Thai tax-ID and I must be able to show to my banks in the EU that I don't just go to Thailand as a tourist.


    Therefore I try to understand what would be the easiest way to accomplish these goals.

  12. The O-A visa would be useful for me if I can get the retirement 1 yr visa in Thailand towards the end of its validity (let's say in the last 120 days).


    Why? Because since I am moving residency to Thailand I will formally give up residency in Europe so that I will not be able to obtain another certificate of no criminal record once I do that since I then have no more residency in Europe.


    I remember vaguely reading in this forum, that the O-A visa also has some disadvantages, but I don't remember the exact ones any more.


    As opposed to most queries on this forum which deal with staying as long as possible in Thailand, I really only need/want to stay for like twice a year for a month each, since my focus is more on getting residency for tax reasons, if that would be possible.


    In addition to that time I will spend 4-5 months in other Asian countries.





  13. Thank you again for your information. You are very kind and generous with your help.


    With the O-A visa I can also receive the 1 year extensions in Thailand itself later, or do I have to get it in my country every time?


    Are there any drawbacks to the O-A visa as opposed to the procedure in your 1st quote?


    Is the O-A visa easy to obtain?


    At what stage can I get the tax number and is that easy to get? I heard somewhere that I need to file an income tax return with taxable income for it to be issued.


    Do I need to show at any point an apartment lease or similar?


    P. S. : Did you notice my edit of the proceeding post?

  14. Thank you very much, ubonjoe. :)


    So that would mean at least 2.5 months stay in the country until I receive the 1 year extension.


    That's a bit too long for my plans at the moment.


    If I would come back in the fall with a visa from the embassy in my country, then the time would shorten to 2 months, correct?


    Since my plans are also part of my tax optimization strategy, I would need some kind of proof of residency in Thailand.


    Is there some kind of residency card that I can apply for? What would entail getting that card?



    I just studied the information in your link of Thai immigration.


    There it states:

    "1.2 Form TM.87 for the foreigner, who enters into Thailand without visa, but is allowed to stay in Thailand with a permit of stay for a period of 15 day, 30 days, 90 days and applies for non-immigrant visa."


    Does it mean that I can apply directly for a 1 year visa?

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