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Posts posted by Ketyo

  1. If no officials are tied to drug rings or protecting the drug trade how come gangs of Nigerians and other africans have been allowed to stand on street corners and sell drugs openly to passers-by for years, under the noses of the authorities.


    Like the ones in front of the 7/11 on the corner of Sukhumvit Soi 13 or in front of Family Mart in that Soi. Or the ones that sit in the same locations on the sub sois of Soi 3 every night. 


    Everyone knows and sees what is going on. It is impossible that the police are just incompetent and either unaware or lacking the ability to deal with these pushers if they wanted.

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  2. 4 hours ago, hrrecruiter said:

    You seem to know about this ???? One more question, I found a condo that qualifies, is brand new, but is sold out. It will be ready in 2021, but some people are flipping it, would this work? Or I need to actually buy off the developer before it sells out? 

    As long as the ownership has not yet transferred from the developer to the person who is flipping the condo, you will be named as the first registered owner on the relevant documents at the transfer date. The condo then counts as new as far as immigration are concerned - you will be the first owner. This is even though some of your money will go to the flipper to cover the amount he has already paid to the developer - he never owned the condo because it was not transferred to him by the developer in this case. So you will qualify for an investment visa even if you buy a 'resale unit' before the transfer date.


    One thing to note is to transfer money from your account overseas to your account in Thailand. From your Thai account you can pay the flipper and settle any balance with the developer. Don't pay the flipper directly from an overseas account since immigration are supposed to check that the names on the sending overseas and receiving Thai bank accounts are the same and both yours. 


    One other thing is that if the value of the condo is less than 10M Baht as far as is registered at the Land Department (not as far as the market value is or what you paid), then you can bring the total invested in Thailand up to 10M by investing the balance in a fixed Income bond with a Thai bank. This is very easy, but the interest is not great...about 1.5%p.a. so better keep this amount to a minimum.

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  3. On 10/12/2018 at 7:32 AM, wump said:

    Pub St (Golden Lion Plaza) has been dead for a long time. Or are you talking about the bar street in Victory Hill? The last time I was there that place was 80% dead but with all other girly places pretty much gone you would think that place must flourish by now? What happened to all the freelancers in Dolphin and that other beach bar?

    Pub street is has been demolished. The beer bars near Golden Lion roundabout have been demolished. The bar street in Victory hill is dilapidated and filthy. Many places are boarded up or abandoned. Only a few sad bars are left with a few Chinese customers. Some small cheap shops and restaurants in that area have Chinese signs and Chinese staff.  


    In general it is hard to find any restaurants with "Khmer Food and Western Food" signs from before. I only saw a handful. All the rest were abandoned or taken over by Chinese owners selling Chinese food to Chinese people.


    I've been to Sihanoukeville about 15 or 20 times since 2004. Went a couple of weeks ago to see if it really was as bad as the Cambodian's were saying. The changes in the last year or so are shocking. I saw in the Phom Penh Post that there are about 40,000 Chinese there now. Workers in construction, casinos, hotels, restaurants plus tourists. That's an invasion for a place of 100,000 people. 

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  4. On 10/4/2018 at 9:36 AM, jessebkk1 said:

    Looking forward to a lot of racists post asking for the extermination of all nigerians, interestingly those comments don't exist if the nationality was Malaysian or romanian etc. The racism from the users of this board is insanely dark, Read on, you'll see them pop up soon.

    Those Nigerian scammers should use their Nigerian names instead of pretending to be white people. The Nigerians are being racists about themselves.

  5. Is Thai Visa the best place you have to find a solution to your ass onion problem?


    Are we all so public now that its better to ask for crowd-sourced solurions for anal irritations rather than having a chat with your doctor.


     guess it is so....but as long as you know that doctors are more profficient in anal issues than TV members...probably

    • Haha 1
  6. Yingluk in a Thai jail is a much bigger headache for the Junta than her out of sight out of mind abroad. Thai authorities are doing it for show.


    And the UK does not extradite people to countries run by the army who has forcibly takes over the government from a democratically elected government in an illegal coup.


    That the Junta sees itself as having the legitimacy to even request this provides a window into the minds of the generals.

    • Like 1
  7. Why does this story about two people getting arrested make TV news?


    If the police see any Africans standing on street corners calling out to passers-by they should know that they are criminals; drug dealers, pimps, prostitutes or scammers.

    These people are criminals back home and criminals in Thailand...but come here because they can make more money in Thailand.


    The police should not be arresting them for overstay. They should be arresting them for being criminals.


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