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Posts posted by Ketyo

  1. I understood Trump gave the green light to Erdogan because of his real estate interests in Istanbul.


    And that all those escaped ISIS prisoners are going to cause a lot of trouble and more violence in a lot of countries, including US NATO allies and Russia.


    To Trump his job as president is a vehicle for furthering his family's wealth and power. No obligations to protect Americans' security in that.

    • Like 2
  2. This government doesn't give two hoots about the people especially the poor people. It views the people as a threat. A source of unruliness. In the military mind, the people are something to be controlled, not something to be supported and helped.


    For 70 years, China has had authoritarian governments that has squeezed Chineseness and community out of their country and their people. If you want to see Chinese culture you will find more on the back streets of Hong Kong than in most Chinese cities that have been subject to slash and burn top-down central planning. 


    Prayut is doing the same with Thainess in an effort to control the people. 


    Prayut should remember that now he has been elected by the people, as an all democratic countries, he is not the boss of the people. He is a representative of the people.  The people are the boss of him.





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  3. This is good news.


    Those capital controls were put in place after the Asian Financial crisis in 1997. They are there to fix that problem. When people rushed to get their money out of Thailand.


    22 years later he world and Thailand is a very different place. People can invest in Thailand but its a real problem to get your money out. So money is building up and the Baht is strengthening artificially to the extent that it is throttling exports and risking sustainable economic development.


    22 years later the BOT have recognised this as a problem. BTW global financial institutions don't like capital controls because they cause market distortions like this. They only support them for short term emergencies.


    22 years of capital controls later. The BOT have recognised this as a problem.


    Well done.


    While they are busy removing capital controls they can also remove those import tariffs that also keep the Baht artificially high, imports costs of products (that don't even have competitor producers in Thailand) artificially high and slow down the domestic economy.

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  4. "The foreign reserves, due to inflow of hot (black) chinese money is together with a high interest rate the only reason for the overvalued baht."


    What exactly are these inflows of hot (black) Chinese money that has been talked about for years. Is it just Chinese getting money out of China and parking it in Thai government bonds or condos? And why is it "hot" or "black" money? Because its over the 50k annual limit for the Chinese?

  5. Not much sympathy for idiots who have accidents when acting like <deleted>. These young chinamen are causing disorder all over SEA now. And it means the governments have to crack down and ban all sorts of stuff that used to be fine because people didn't act like such <deleted> before.

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