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Posts posted by Ketyo

  1. So does it mean that those African women who stand every night in the same places in Pattaya, Bangkok and Phuket and... in clear view of the police and immigration.... and who grab the arms of passers-by as they walk along the street and say "hey, you want some business"... are not really tourists?


    You mean they are taking money out of Thailand instead of putting it in like tourists are supposed to do??


    I am as shocked as the immigration officers that uncovered this would have been. Those people are working on tourist visas! This is certainly a story that should make news.


    Next you will be saying that all those African guys who stand every night in the same places in Pattaya, Bangkok and Phuket and... in clear view of the police and immigration.... and who ask passers-by if they want to buy some drugs are not really tourists either. That really would be news. 

    • Haha 1
  2. But tourist numbers are just a driver of tourist receipts... the main thing they are interested in.


    I wonder how tourist receipts doing? My guess is down a lot.


    Indians with low spend capacity and Chinese who buy a lot of their trip with Chinese companies before and after arriving likely don't contribute nearly as much in the way of receipts as Europeans, Americans, Aussies and richer Asians.


    And all tourist categories will be spending less because of the high baht.

    • Like 1
  3. He miscalculates that threatening Trump will make Trump back down. Quite the opposite. Trump's narcissism, instability and insecurity means that he reacts disproportionately to any and all threats.  


    Together with a US policy of strategic destruction of extremist Islam and any country that harbours it, I would not be surprised to see something big happen to Iran when the time is right. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. Remember that Prayut's aim is to have FULL enforcement of all laws on the statute books. That's what he thinks his job is. 


    Even for old, stupid and previously ignored laws that date from a different age when Thailand was a developing country without the capacity to design proper legislation. 


    Prayut is a military man who is trained that all laws and rules are to be followed without exception. It's the way the military works.


    He is a military man who is not intelligent or broadly educated and experienced enough to be a civillian leader. That's why he says "the law is the law".


    Sadly for Thailand, he doesn't have the capacity to make suitable laws that fit with a modern vision. Only the military education to enforce laws that are already passed.

    • Like 2
  5. "The group have now been charged with working in Thailand illegally and will have their visas revoked."  They are running a huge fraud scam. But the RTP only have the capacity to charge them with working illegally!!!


    They could arrest the African drug dealers in Sukhumvit and charge them with working illegally. Would be easier for them just to check passports than do proper law enforcement. 


    • Like 2
  6. He should go to Cambodia for some beers in those bars that are open 24/7.


    How sad that they think the bars should be able to stay open because they are not targeted at Thais. Because they want 2 things (i) Control Thais (ii) Get money from foreigners. 


    Just let the people run their own lives and do what they want. 


    Chanocha....   you are the representative of the people... not their boss.

  7. Thailand can't be a major part of an international supply chain when it struggles to export parts and finished goods at a reasonable price because of the strong baht.


    Chanocha is crashing the economy with his import tariffs and unsustainable export subsidies. 


    But then, how could the head of the army be expected to know anything about economic development?


    He only knows one thing: Control of the people by enforcing the laws. Including laws that are moronic and outdated.


    Thailand is not a developmental state. It is a controlling state. Just like Burma used to be.

  8. The sukhumvit line has 50 stations. It goes a long way out both directions.


    I wonder why they continue to extend and extend.


    By the time the train gets downtown it is often too full for people to get on.


    Why don't they build more lines instead of making one very very very long line.

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. Another measure proposed by the finance minister is to give tourists a gift of Bt1,000, in addition to three extra measures, namely the Bt100 eat-shop-travel project, 15 per cent discount at a limit of Bt30,000 for tourists on food, hotel and travel, and a special week-day tourism plan. 


    Subsidising tourism? He must be desperate. His boss Chanocha is a paranoid control freak who is chasing foreigners away with idiotic and mostly unnecessary policies to control people and stop them from doing a load of stuff that's normal in most free countries. So this tourism minister can't hit his revenue targets.


    How about making the country a pleasant place to stay instead of a paranoid security state. And what happened to that PM who wasted money subsiding that other industry rice farming? She was overthrown by Chanocha for wasting public money on those subsidies. Will he overthrow himself if he starts to waste money on subsidising touristm? 

    • Sad 1
  10. "He said 19.76 million foreign tourists visited Thailand during the first half (January to June) this year, which was an increase of 1.48 per cent over the previous year. They generated revenue of Bt1.02 trillion for the country."  


    How much did they generate last year? Tourist numbers still going up BUT...receipt numbers going up very slowly or maybe even falling.


    What about the number of non-tourist temporary residents and receipts from them?


    My guess is that overall receipts from tourists + expats is down year on year. By a lot.

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