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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. Actually, they are designed in England, the design team is based in London, I believe
  2. Apple iPhones have the ability to tell you the maximum capacity of the battery, it starts out at 100% but a year later mine is down to 77%. It still charges up to indicated 100%, but it’s 100% of 77%, I trust that is as clear as mud?
  3. Lol, thank god it’s not!
  4. Maybe I am doing something wrong.
  5. The Nissan leaf had a big problem, it’s batteries are air cooled, not liquid cooled, and in my humble opinion on suitable for hot climates. Maybe they have addressed that, and now they’re liquid cooled, I don’t know.
  6. IPhone 11, max capacity down to 77% Fortunately, EV batteries retain their capacity much better.
  7. We used to have a family oacjage with AIS, 3 SIM’s one bill, shared minutes etc
  8. Not for the batteries anyway, though I need another new battery in mine, only lasted 12 months, official apple battery too.
  9. The Walkie-Talkie building in London has one side of glass that is concave, and it was focusing the sun’s rays onto cars parked on the street below and melting them.
  10. I can see a big problem with that, the batteries are going to get stolen
  11. Eminently sensible.
  12. I parked my EV in the sun whilst I charged it from my solar power, and when I returned to it it, it had turned into a giant, fluffy marshmallow, covered in chocolate and sprinkles. The moral of this is only buy an EV and solar power, if you like marshmallows
  13. Would it surprise you to know that I agree with you? But I suspect what we have is a short term problem because future battery technology probably won’t be so disastrous when that highly unlikely event occurs ie it catches fire.
  14. Stick to the rules of this forum, don’t make unsubstantiated claims. Your claim is so wild, it’s patently incorrect, all you have to do is post some data to back it up, but as we know, you can’t because it’s BS
  15. ChatGPT> What do you want me to do? Bob Smith> Write topics to troll AseanNow
  16. Bye… until the next time you troll me, which I suspect won’t be very long.
  17. The point is, I don’t believe that video made that claim, YOU did, but I don’t believe it was said in that video, and if it was, it’s unsubstantiated and clearly false.
  18. Thailand is surprisingly sophisticated with their IT integration. I suspect many agencies are interconnected, when I applied fir an Elite visa, they asked me about withdrawals made on my ATM card in Australia, I never told them about that account. Thailand 4.0 is all about knowing everything digitally about everyone. Foreigners don’t yet have digital ID cards here, it’s why we can no longer use PayPal or undergo KYC validation at some cryptocurrency, exchanges, etc.
  19. You haven’t provided one iota of proof that EV fires have the same prevalence as ICE fires, I’ve done some research and I cannot find anything to back up your claim. That’s why I called it BS.
  20. If he had said that, I would have continued watching it. He simply stated some thing as fact when it’s not If you want to debate the likelihood of that fire, being an EV, that’s another issue, we might have the same opinion, but it’s not a fact, not yet anyway.
  21. Probably because I’m not wrong?
  22. I have done some research, I think we are talking at cross purposes. Solar panels do not catch fire, installations of solar panels, catch fire, but it appears to be the wiring or the electronics, never the solar panels themselves.
  23. Ok, but solar panels don’t readily catch fire, they are mostly aluminium and glass. I can’t see either of those catching fire on a roof, melting maybe. There is an issue with mandating solar panels on new builds. There is already an issue with the power grid becoming unstable through too much solar power production in parts of Australia. It’s not unsolvable, but it needs addressing. When you have solar power, and an EV, your motoring becomes extremely cheap.
  24. I think you are confusing batteries with solar panels, solar panels are not flammable, it’s the batteries that catch fire, albeit extremely rarely.
  25. HEV & PHEV are a better solution for some people, typically people traveling huge distances every day ie business. Those of us with abundant leisure time can still easily travel those huge distances in an EV. Yes you are going to be worried about this until you actually try it, I was until I did it, but it is perfectly feasible in Thailand today. Battery technology is going to continue to improve. I just hope the usual cycle of discovery to production of 10 to 25 years can be significantly improved. As for solar power, I would like to see it mandated that all new-builds must have solar panels on the roof to achieve net zero or 100% roof coverage which ever comes first.
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