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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. I know a few guys in Chiang Rai in a MC gang, really a club. All nice guys who do a lot for charity. OPPY (old people, playing young.).
  2. And that Chinese cars are crap
  3. I love Bob, he’s such a role model for us all and exactly what they mean when they say good guys in, bad guys out. About Mrs. Smith, I am sure he must adore you Bob!
  4. I think I have worked out why the older Russian guys don’t smile, have you seen their wives? If you smile at someone in a British pub, expect to be asked “Who do you think you’re looking at?” Closely followed by a beer glass in the face.
  5. I wonder how paying sinsod affects this? If the husband had paid substantial sinsod for the wife and the wife, then commits adultery with another guy causing the marriage to fail, would the husband have a claim against the other guy?
  6. I am settled here and have put down roots in the form of 2 adopted children and a family business with moral obligations to employees. Leaving is not an option for me, I am British and would hate to return the way the country has gone. Here’s some more speculation, what if new retirement requirements said one or more of these… No single men Fee: 250k thb per year No British single men Validating nett worth of X by new agency Single men must buy condo costing over X million etc etc. Incidentally, I am a British single man and whilst I would pass any new financial requirements I wouldn’t want to get married to stay here - had that T-shirt in the UK, once was enough. 20 year Elite visa is eminently sensible on a risk/reward basis. Peace of mind is priceless.
  7. This is only true if the landlord has 5 or more properties
  8. The problem with a non-paying customer is the cost and timescale of litigation to collect a debt. If Thailand had some form of low cost small claims system, then I suspect more companies might accept the risk of a new customer not paying. The reality is, if you don’t to pay and it's a small debt, then you probably don’t need to pay.
  9. As you say it’s speculative. The million baht 20 year visa removes all the worry & stress of that speculation. Stress is a killer, we should all be de—stressing our lives as much as possible. I don’t care a fig what happens with retirement qualifications as I have my 20 year Elite. I used to find it incredibly stressful renewing my retirement extension every year. Not wearing the right shirt - rejected, come back. Get ATM slip showing balance on date of application -rejected. You didn’t have form 3213A in triplicate - rejected. You didn’t bury form 3213A for 3 months & recycle them as firelighters - rejected. Apologies to Douglas Adams
  10. I couldn’t agree more. A very sensible move and exactly why I did it 4 years ago.
  11. I think paying up front is a problem. They are probably worried that if it doesn’t generate any sales for you that you won’t pay. Maybe they know they have set your expectations too high? I founded a highly specialised marketing company in the UK. Our payment terms were invoice at commencement of work for payment in 30 days. We set customer expectation lower than we knew we could deliver, it’s easier that way and we always got paid.
  12. I had the halogen bulbs on my youngest daughters Suzuki CIAZ replaced with HID Xenon bulbs. The shop had lots of HID bulbs in different colours and powers but refused to supply LED, they said aftermarket LED bulbs had fans and the fans seize up with dust and they got fed up with warranty claims. Apparently factory fitted LED headlights are specifically designed to avoid this problem.
  13. I like the dark interior on the seal
  14. I saw a metallic pink BYD Dolphin this morning, it reminded me of a Honda Jazz. I love the colour, not many guys confident enough to choose that colour I think.
  15. I fitted a 36,000 BTU single phase Fujitsu cassette unit, More expensive than Daikin and Mitsubishi but you get what you pay for, it was the only one that would reverse cycle and heat. A few years ago in Chiang Rai we had more than a week where the temperature hardly broke 11° C Just make sure whatever you buy is inverter.
  16. I have some concerns over the marketing of the Atto 3. I think there are differences not indicated in their spec sheet. Unusually, there were 3 EV's following each other in central Chiang Rai last week. first 2 cars were Standard & Extended range Atto 3's, and lastly me. The horizontal lightbar on the standard range didn't appear to be lit, it could be because he didn't have his headlights on, I couldn't see the front. The other day I saw a standard range and the horizontal lightbar on the front didn't appear to be illuminated. I am also concerned that the performance figures for both cars are identical and yet according to the spec sheet they have the same power motor but different weights, this doesn't add up.
  17. I took my 20 year elite out at the age of 62, I figure I won't reach 82 and if I do, I'll buy a 5 year or whatever is on offer.
  18. Hardly scaremongering, pragmatic and calculated risk/reward planning.
  19. Agreed. I view believers in modern religions with the same incredulity that I would someone believing in an Egyptian or Roman god.
  20. In my view it is explained by the passage of time. The odds of that spark are infinitesimally small in one year, but we are talking billions of years, it just needed that one spark to create life, every living thing is descended from that.
  21. Or more likely, he is fictitious Able & unwilling makes him unworthy in my book. Are Ra, Osiris & Isis any less likely than any other god?
  22. I had an expensive new car wrapped in clear self-healing paint protection film in Chiang Rai. Also available in matt, matt PPF is a far better option than factory matt paint which is practically unrepairable. It’s worth doing on an expensive new car if you plan to keep it a long time. After 2 years the car was still in showroom condition despite the usual motorbikes scraping past. An hour in the sun and the film repaired itself, none of the usual halos. I don’t think I would do it for a colour change, and I think you should redo it every few years or the glue hardens and it is difficult to remove potentially damaging the car. I paid 70,000 for the entire car and it involved quite a few warranty visits to my home to replace a few pieces.
  23. The retirement extension is long overdue price increase, were it not for Covid, I think that would have increased already. The befit of buying an Elite Visa is if you buy the right one it may outlast you. I bought the 20 year (Superiority) 4 years ago, the piece of mind it gives me is priceless.
  24. I wouldn't use the word "magic", I prefer the word "science". I reserve the word magic for illusions like parlour tricks and religion.
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