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  1. I have more savings in a bank account in the UK than I send to Thailand per year, even though my income is paid into the said account. Am I subject to tax?
  2. So if you are married and 72 years old, when would you start paying tax?
  3. Have you thought of Nong Kai, personally nicer than UD. Promenade next to the Mikhong (probably 15 km long). Only 50 km from UD, if you want you can catch the train (11 baht). Has western restaurants and bars
  4. You are wrong about holding ISAs in the UK. I took my Stocks and Shares ISA out long before I moved to Thailand. You are allowed to hold an ISA. You are not allowed to open another one or add to the one you already hold
  5. Had a letter from my ISA company in the UK asking where I was tax resident. I replied that I pay my taxes in the UK but Thailand were also considering me to be a tax resident, to which they said you can't be tax resident in two countries
  6. I am pretty sure there are other deductables before you get to that figure
  7. It is law any income above and beyond PAYE you have to fill a UK Self Assessment in. One example of this is if you rent a property out (on top which you have to fill a form in and return it to HMRC, the agent will normally return it for you)
  8. I do not understand why everyone is getting so worked up, the vast majority will not pay tax anyway and the rest will only be minimal but of course there maybe some people who have got something to hide
  9. Two things, is there a tax form online (in English) that a individual can fill in. Any medical visits/operations, you can claim on the said form. I was a qualified bookkeeper in the UK, so there is no way I will be going to any of these so called professionals, pretty sure I will know more than them
  10. Not complicated, had infection, so had to clear that first, 3 x-rays in total, temporary crown, then the real one
  11. I have just completed a root canal procedure with a crown fitted (6 visits in total) at a private top of the art dental practice in Nong Khai. Total cost 20,000 baht
  12. Don't know about extractions but I just had 3 fillings done in a beautiful dental clinic in Nong Khai, total cost 2,200 baht
  13. Many people have cough at the moment
  14. If has you say 13 years, then you should know that not all immigration are the same

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