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  1. My friend who is Thai employed a day nurse to look after her expat husband (came to the house 6 days a week) Don't know what the cost was
  2. Sometimes works the other way. I was in my local and I came to check the bill. I had two red wines, the bill was for 100 baht and I knew immediately that they had only charged me for one, I told them and they thanked me
  3. Won't make any difference here in sleepy Issaan
  4. Different provinces, different people/rules
  5. You are correct but over the years I have had many who you have mentioned refuse
  6. This is a grey area. Just did mine through my bank manager (one very accommodating, the other did not want to know) Tessabarn did one for my friend, immigration possibly. Good luck
  7. You do in the city I live in Issaan, you even get a free glass of water with your coffee
  8. A friend of mine is in exactly the same situation
  9. How do you know if you have UTI?
  10. Each bank, each province have their own rules
  11. These people only go to tourist places (thank heavens). That is why I chose to live where you still have all the amenities without the dross you are talking about
  12. Two thirds of self assessment in the UK "isn't self assessment"
  13. I live in a non touristy area of Thailand. You become a local at the bars and restaurants. Just saying
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