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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. My bad. FPTP has delivered a Government with a secure majority. Such outcomes were never a problem until the beneficiary was a Labour Government.
  2. It could have been worse, you could have given a load of cash to an old school chum for nothing in return, and told your gf she’s got to pay it back over the next twenty five years, and in the meantime she’s getting no money for health care.
  3. Where is your evidence that he lacked the entry requirements? Your assertion, you back it up.
  4. It doesn’t matter , the majority of people who voted did so for Labour.
  5. Count the MP seats in parliament that each party secured. Eventually you’ll work it out.
  6. ‘Brit haters’? What on earth are you on about?
  7. Not quite a week and no evidence of making things worse, let alone much worse. Already Labour have cut hundreds of £millions that would have been handed to Rwanda for the failed asylum seeker exchange scheme; money than can now be put towards clearing to backlog of asylum seekers left by the Tories. Clear the back log, release successful applicants into the community where they can work, earn their own keep and pay taxes, deport the bogus claimants. Great to see Labour are already on it in under a week What a positive change that is.
  8. The Electorate voted for change, Labour are delivering change. Making wild predictions about how Labour will perform doesn’t change that fact.
  9. Jonny, these are the scapegoating excuses the Tories tried to con the electorate with. I don’t know if you missed the news, they failed.
  10. You haven’t provided any evidence that David Lammy benefited from ‘positive discrimination’. Your assertion! You just inserted it into the discussion, why you chose to do so is a mystery. Perhaps there is something about David Lammy that triggered you reaching for the race card.
  11. Quit with your gaslighting. It’s not an amnesty.
  12. ‘The Left’s obsession with gay conversion therapy in the form of mind/body altering drugs has many negative affects.‘ And yet it here you are inserting “ gay conversion therapy in the form of mind/body altering drugs has many negative affects” into the discussion. There is zero indication the OP that any of these things played any role in this heinous murder. There is evidence of an obsession with these things, not from the left but from you personally.
  13. What’s this ‘Gay men are immune to hate mongering against transgender people’?
  14. You provided zero evidence that David Lammy benefitted from positive ‘discrimination/affirmative action’. But you have mentioned ‘racist policy’. I’m sure there is racism in this somewhere Jonny, but perhaps not where you want us to believe.
  15. The new policy is to clear the backlog left by the previous government and cancel the Rwanda asylum seeker exchange scheme.
  16. Yes, the Tory Client Press have started their misinformation.
  17. So the cutting through the misrepresentation of facts: There are 102,000 people awaiting assessment of their asylum claims. Of course these need to be processed, not left to rot at tax payers expense as has been the policy up until last week. And an added bonus, the multi £million drain on tax payers money, AKA the Rwanda scam, is ended. Unfortunately the £370,000,000 already handed to Rwanda for nothing in return cannot be recouped. https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/commentaries/the-uncertain-financial-implications-of-the-uks-rwanda-policy/#
  18. Politicians pump out hatred of transgender people, murder ensues. Stochastic terrorism demonstrated with tragic results. RIP Pauly
  19. My goodness, the reality of what actually is and the damage that has actually been done these past 14 years completely flipped into a pre-canned blame game directed at the Government that has the job of fixing the mess.
  20. Trump’s backers and close associates didn’t put all that effort into Project 2025 as some kind of thought experiment. The would be dictator on day one is lying through his stinking teeth.
  21. I start the day with a two shot Americano and have a second around mid day, though on cycle training days I’ll often have an espresso at the halfway stop. So not normally more than three coffees per day. Amongst the pleasures of coffee here in Thailand are the many independent coffee shops, the best of which are world class. The coffee produced in Thailand is improving too thanks to the efforts of many independent growers and roasters.
  22. Another link to the same FOX News that admitted in court to broadcasting lies.
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