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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. And yet that same Starmer delivered a landslide victory for Labour. The rightwing whinging continues.
  2. He’s smart enough to get straight to the business of repairing the UK’s damaged relationship with the EU, so of course the rightwing press are whinging and whining. Mark July 18 on your calendar. https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/european-political-community-meeting-2024
  3. Yeh right, he’s just delivered a landslide, he can’t stop whining.
  4. “You can't have a second referendum before the result of the first one is implemented.” Where on earth did you get that nonsense from Jonny? You certainly didn’t get it from the governing legislation: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2000/41/contents
  5. You would ‘roughly translate’ my post, having already truncated it to remove my supporting argument.
  6. The Convicted Felon is lying through his teeth. He can’t even keep it remotely credible.
  7. You made a claim without a link. I simply provided a link that debunks your claim.
  8. I see you are struggling to understand how first past the post functions when there are multiple parties contesting an election.
  9. I expect AOC doesn’t get her information from the same don’t as you do, not indeed the misinformation you rely upon. https://publicintegrity.org/inequality-poverty-opportunity/immigration/gop-film-sound-of-freedom-misleading-migrant-kids/
  10. False equivalence again. A general election is mandated by law to be repeated at least every five years. Referenda can be called at any time and may be repeated. Now explain to me how those who called for, or indeed continue to call for a second referendum (a vote) are somehow not accepting ‘Democracy’? They have the democratic right to do so and a vote is by definition democratic.
  11. And very rightly so. The Federal Government engaging in child snatching needed to end. You have my commiserations that ending it deprived you of your performative cruelty fix.
  12. When the SPLC attracts the vitriol laced ire of the ‘Alliance Defending Freedom’ and the ‘Heritage Foundation’ I know they are doing something right.
  13. Remind me, who was it who blocked the border security bill?
  14. Odd that the appeaseniks arguing in favor of surrendering Ukraine to the aggressor Putin are also the people who rant about sovereignty and/or invasion of their own home country.
  15. There are a number of businesses offering bike hire on the road past Map Phrachan reservoir. Alternatively I have in the past hired a bike from ‘Easternbike’ shop, located on Sukhumvit between the Narklua traffic lights.
  16. Again, Farage makes promises he knows he will never have to keep His promises don’t even add up. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/live/nigel-farages-reform-uk-manifesto-doesnt-add-up-warn-economic-experts-125411543.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAG9U6l2qbZ8eJrg0x6UJS0fA2b2bVPmoUjoiDmwskuehoAr2rSs_LbfEyuWQQFn3RG66-ysUDuVDBnFRrtvVJ_jDEUwZascnlT810gXJwm2oAaVn4lGd0-lYGGPDe9nafI66--9wAJKshONJTRq55x4G9thKWLeYNebI0mMHPBjy
  17. Asylum seekers are not ‘illegals’. That’s 110K false claims by you which you then extrapolate to 10 million. You’re on a roll.
  18. There is no ‘uniparty it doesn’t exist. Farage runs his mouth with easy promises of easy fixes to complex problems in the full knowledge that he’ll never have to implement any of them. Further more, he can’t stand scrutiny. His response to being hit with hardball questions on BBC QT is a perfect example. He’s a blowhard, an empty vessel that makes a lot of noise. Moreover his policy positions are favorable to the continuing consolidation of wealth and power in the hands of the hyper wealthy. Distract the masses with scapegoats while pushing for stripping them of their rights and pushing yet more money and power up the social ladder. ‘Uniparty’ let’s see how that absurdity plays out.
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