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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. There have been news reports exposing dodgy characters in all of the main parties. Only Reform resorts to blaming the media for reporting facts
  2. The rightwing appointed judges, three of whom were appointed be the insurrectionist in chief are defending those who tried to overthrow the election.
  3. No surprises at all. The remarks made by the Reform UK member about PM Rishi Sunak were not ‘derogatory’ they were overtly racist. Brace for incoming whataboutary from low and to the right.
  4. Opinions differ: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/28/starmer-shocked-by-reform-volunteers-racist-and-homophobic-comments
  5. The UK’s Channel 4 expose on the Reform ‘Party’ demonstrates precisely why Farage and his band of racists are a gift to Labour, or indeed any progressive party in this election.
  6. There is no evidence that Biden practiced before the debate. We do however have evidence, from the Convicted Felon himself, that he was schooled before the debate. He posted the evidence online: https://fox59.com/news/national-world/trump-posts-climate-talking-points-online-before-debate-with-biden/
  7. I’m not interested in your ripped videos Jonny. This is a ‘discussion forum’.
  8. Why was the immigrant in the UK? I’m going to make a guess, Because the Tories failed on controlling immigration.
  9. The ECHR has played no part in the Tory Government’s failure to deal with immigration. And you can forget ideas of the UK leaving the ECHR, it ain’t going to happen.
  10. Biden hasn’t committed any crimes agains Convicted Felon Trump. The Convicted Felon engaging in his accusation confession thing is what his noise is all about.
  11. These debates aren’t directed towards the baked in support on either side, they are aimed at the swing vote that decides elections. It’s not what those who have already decided how they will vote hear and like (or think they hear and like) but what the millions of undecided voters hear.
  12. I brought science to the debate, brought your fixation with other people’s genitalia and came without your reading glasses.
  13. My stance is to believe what science and medical professionals have to say on the matter. I have already provided links which you choose to dismiss and you very clearly did not read the NHS information I linked. You on the other hand claimed scientific facts but refuse to accept science when it is presented. Here’s the NHS link again, you might want to read what it has to say. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/differences-in-sex-development/#:~:text=Some people have a chromosome,full physical development at puberty.
  14. This has gone beyond hypocrisy, taken a swerve past irony and landed smack in the middle of farce. My ears are still ringing from the rightwing screaming against ‘Defund the police’.
  15. I’ll go with what the science and the NHS have to say on the matter. The stuff you ignore.
  16. Having made this statement “Her views are not controversial, they are scientific facts.” And then presented with the science on the matter which demonstrates the fallacy of your claim, you the go on the attack the source of the science and ignore the medical facts presented by the NHS on the matter. Well of course you do. Admitting you were wrong in the face of facts isn’t something we expect.
  17. Toxic narcissist and Putin Operative is my take on this crook.
  18. I’m looking forward to hearing what the sentencing recommendations have to say.
  19. Habba was right, the histrionics has already started. When Trump eventually does wind up behind bars, and that day will come, he could interestingly calm the gum gnashing of his supporters by declaring g he’s not in prison. The people who believed he didn’t commit the crimes he very clearly did commit. Refused to accept he would be indicted. Refused to accept he would go to trial. Refuse to accept the indictments. Refused to accept witnesses and evidence. Refused to accept the jury. Refused to accept the verdict. They’ll have problem at all accepting Trump isn’t in prison, he only has to give the word. All the rest of us have to do is wait to see which judge puts him in which prison and for how long.
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