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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Murray is a bigot and an Islamophobe. As I said earlier I am not in the least bit surprised that disagree. https://bridge.georgetown.edu/research/factsheet-douglas-murray/
  2. Checks own throat in mirror. Seemingly not in any Muslim country I’ve lived and worked in.
  3. I’ve laid out the criteria on which I believe someone to be a bigot and also on which I believe Murray to be Islamophobic. Oddly you don’t challenge my rational, you simply resort to a personal attack.
  4. No Jonny I have not forgotten. The vote was accepted and the UK did leave the EU, but as Farage himself said "In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the Remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it." Accepting the vote and continuing to campaign is, as Farage demonstrates, all part of democracy. Comparing that to Trump infighting an attack on the Capitol only demonstrates how predictably ill informed you are. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36306681
  5. So that ‘war on terror thing’, I thought this bunch of terrorists had been dealt with?
  6. We have arrived at a time in which a rightwing politician accepting the stone cold fact of an election result is considered to be ‘behaving honorably’.
  7. There you go with yet more barefaced lies. Refugees are not citizens, they don’t have a vote.
  8. I did. And I also know it doesn’t extend to Laurel Mississippi.
  9. Then we agree on much. Though right now it’s the far right on the march, not the communist.
  10. Or perhaps prone to accept g scapegoating and the idea of easy solutions to complex problems. Or even totally blind to the threat the far right always represent to freedom, democracy and liberty.
  11. The venue is NY because the alleged crimes were committed in NY.
  12. I read the OP too. Perhaps you can point out the bit that supports your claim:
  13. Yes I did. I borrowed a copy, I’m rather pleased I didn’t waste money on it, or more precisely, put any of my money in Murray’s pocket.
  14. Murray is widely regarded as far-right and Islamophobic. I’ve explained my own reasoning above.
  15. It went badly because once the extreme rightwing gain power by scapegoating minorities, or anyone they can label as ‘the other’, and promising simple solutions to complex problems; they set about their actual objective. Absolute power. Their own, absolute power.
  16. Like 12 citizens can’t be trusted with coming to a verdict based solely upon the evidence and testimony presented in court?
  17. Sorry to have spotted a behavior and then had my observation confirmed.
  18. I presume you’ve read the book you linked? Any of the authors scribbling?
  19. I think people who write books laced with ‘the great replacement theory’ and resort to repetitive pejorative statements against millions of people on the basis of their faith are bigots. When the particular faith they target is Islam and the particular group they target is Muslims, then yes they are Islamophobes. You might disagree and I’m not in the least bit surprised if you do.
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