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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The one he signed off funding to. What is it about Netanyahu’s dumb decision to back funding for Hamas that supporters of the continuing carnage in Gaza can’t deal with?
  2. Correct me if I’m wrong. Every single witness who takes the stand in a criminal trial is placed under oath and then proceeds to give testimony does so under penalty of perjury. Correct or not correct? … Army nurse to Hawkeye: ‘Your kisses are driving me crazy’, Hawkeye to Army Nurse: ’Yes and I’m only using one lip’.
  3. Good news. High time to bypass Netanyahu’s attempts to thwart the right of the Palestinians to the same rights of nationhood and self determination that the rest of us enjoy. Backing funding to Hamas in order to thwart the right of Palestinians to their own independent nation, what on earth did Netanyahu think he was doing?!
  4. Or could be found guilty and sentenced pending appeal. NY courts don’t hang about once a jury convicts, they move rather swiftly to sentencing.
  5. It now transpires that Sunak called this election while the Tories have an almost 200 candidate deficit. As for a manifesto, he’s dream it up as he goes. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/tory-party-election-candidate-mp-b2551163.html
  6. Yet another example of preparing the ground for not accepting a guilty verdict.
  7. China places example of their technology espionage on public display.
  8. The Partial Gag Order placed on Defendant Trump has undoubtedly removed the most significant source of Jury influencing and intimidation. Thanks for letting us know you will not accept a guilty verdict if that’s what this jury hands down. Always good to know what kind of blind bias we are in the company of.
  9. Quit with your gaslighting already: https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/usao-sdny/legacy/2015/03/25/US v. Ross Ulbricht Indictment.pdf
  10. No, he’s convicted for the crimes he himself committed and facilitated.
  11. The location of the trial is based on the location of where the crimes were committed,
  12. And the Judge made a specific point of informing Defendant Trump that he had and absolute right to give testimony in his own defense, expressly stating that the Partial Gag Order Defendant Trump is under placed no restrictions on his right to give testimony before the court in his own defence. Of course that testimony would be under oath and entirely at the defendant’s own volition. Trump chose not to testify. Anyone pinning hopes to his earlier promises and declarations that he would testify simply hasn’t learned the lesson that Trump’s promises are worth zilch,
  13. Coronation is not causation. But scapegoating immigrants is a thing:
  14. Do you have a link to back up your claim that twelve Democrats are on the Jury? Do share.
  15. I’ve not watched CNN for over ten years. So remind me, are CNN on the jury?
  16. I and many others have posted the indictments against Trump more than once. You don’t accept the indictment. You don’t accept the trial. You will not accept any guilty verdict.
  17. You’ve got a problem with Trump being inducted and tried for crimes he committed in the clear light of day?
  18. I’ll make three predictions. AI will strip more wealth from ordinary working people and funnel it to the already hyper wealthy. Any proposals to address this and particularly proposals around taxation and regulation will be opposed by many amongst those who are themselves and/or their children are losing out to AI. AI will not replace cap doffers and forelock tuggers.
  19. If you go to the top of the thread and read the OP you’ll find it’s a Tory PM Sunak topic.
  20. Given the transcripts of his testimony are already published, what has he got to hide?
  21. She wasn’t insulting the electorate, she was identifying deplorables within Trump’s base. Subsequent events demonstrated and continue demonstrate her assessment to be correct.
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