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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. ‘‘Palestinians’? I believe the attackers have been identified as members of a particular organization. So can you be a bit more specific who it is you are referring to, or is that a problem for you?
  2. In the meantime we can all watch Israel’s progressive isolation from nations that were hitherto supportive to Israel.
  3. I have absolutely no doubt these videos are horrific, traumatizing even. I expect Ireland, Norway and Spain will respond to their envoys being subjected to forced viewing of such material and I doubt very much these envoys have any part all to play in the decision by their own Governments to recognize a Palestinian state. Ireland, Norway and Spain could of course summon the respective Israeli ambassadors, other than of course they’ve already been ordered to flounce.
  4. Were they also shown pictures of Palestinian children dismembered by Israel bombs? Palestinians injured by Israeli war weapons screaming in agony in hospitals without the medical supplies to give them the care they need? How about video of Israeli ‘settlers’ attacking humanitarian aid convoys? I expect not.
  5. Which the whole of Parliament got to vote on and Corbyn voted against. You just can’t bring yourself to give him credit for opposing the war you relentlessly bang on about.
  6. Or we can go to a source that discusses that specific issue: https://the-media-leader.com/twitter-on-tv-the-real-reasons-why-advertisers-avoid-gb-news/#:~:text=Advertisers are not inherently political,employ Conservative MPs as presenters%3F
  7. Advertisers don’t want to be associated with rightwing biased rant channel. More evidence of why GB News is losing money hand over fist.
  8. I obviously did read the OP and I have provided regulated reports submitted by GB News to Companies House that blows a hole in the PressGazette numbers (that are unregulated and simply claimed by GB News).
  9. plenty of the reporting on the facts without the conspiracy nonsense you are wedded to: https://www.ft.com/content/42e2dee8-e5f7-4ae0-be4f-248bb9403387 https://pressgazette.co.uk/publishers/broadcast/gb-news-results-2023-losses/
  10. So here’s a couple of things you might want to chew on. The link I have posted refers to the viewer numbers that GB News filed with Companies House in May 2023. The number they gave was 2.7 million. The OP claimed a growth of 167% based on a 2024 article which also states 7.7 million viewers - these numbers are as claimed by GB News ( but not the formal and legally regulated reports to Companies House). So 2023 2.7million x 167% = 4.506 Million well short of the claimed 7.7 million. I wonder, it now being May 2024, will GB News be updating their report to Companies House?!
  11. It’s a alt-right political grouping within the elected representatives. They’re obviously having a ‘haters tiff’. Nothing at all to do with ‘Democracy’
  12. Of course Trump was lying, his lips were moving.
  13. And yet the UK achieved the negotiated peace with the IRA the Corbyn had always said was the route to peace.
  14. I obviously read the OP, hence my remarks on the use of a % rather than viewer numbers. The link I posted has this to say about viewer numbers: in recent filings to companies house [GB News] revealed it was reaching an average of 2.7 million viewers per month in the year ending May 2023, up 17.8% on the figures from the year before. Which probably goes a long way to explain why GB News is loosing money hand over fist.
  15. Or I could look here for a report based on independent research: https://redfieldandwiltonstrategies.com/who-watches-gb-news/#:~:text=It has seen off its,figures from the year before.
  16. I don’t think one single seat will trouble Labour, and I expect Corbyn would vote with Labour on most issues, with the exception of supporting wars. I also expect his long history of opposition to wars will be a bit of a vote winner, given the backdrop against which this election is taking place.
  17. Oddly we are not told his many viewers or anything about ‘engagement time’. Perhaps it’s a case of 167% of ‘Sweet FA’.
  18. I read the post Jonny, I’ve looked at the polling data and I’ve looked at the last election result. I stand by my view that Labour will not win Corbyn’s seat. Go easy on your ‘antisemite’ short cut key, you’ll wear it out of your not careful.
  19. I doubt Corbyn will split any vote, he’s enjoyed solid support from voters in his constituency. His anti war stance is long standing, you might recall his opposition to the wars in Iraq, voting against those wars and joining the anti war protest marches. Labour should perhaps focus on the seats they can win, I very much doubt Corbyn’s is one of them. https://members.parliament.uk/member/185/electionresult
  20. Channel 4 is not publicly funded. https://www.channel4.com/corporate/about-4/operating-responsibly/freedom-information/frequently-asked-questions
  21. GB News is loosing money handover fist. This ‘puff piece’ is clearly an attempt to argue against penalties being levied by Ofcom.
  22. Well apart from telling us Feinstein is an award winning film maker, we are told a lot about his views towards Starmer but zero about what his own views are. Seems like ‘a don’t look at me campaign platform’. https://members.parliament.uk/member/4514/electionresult
  23. You’ve noticed nothing of the sort. You’ve dreamed it up. I and many others on this forum have frequently stated Hamas are a terrorist organization, their terrorist attack was an obscenity and their taking/holding hostages is a war crime. So away with you and your disgraceful and baseless accusations.
  24. They are recognizing Palestine. Do you need to have the difference between ‘Palestine’ and ‘Hamas’ explained to you? One is recognized as a nation, the other very explicitly recognized as a terrorist organization.
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