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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. She’s an intelligent, articulate woman who speaks up for herself. For that alone she earns the bile of me who have a problem with intelligent, articulate women who speak up for themselves. Refer posting history of her more rabid detractors on this forum.
  2. Ross Ulbricht is who Trump says he will release from prison back into the community. Tells you much of what you need to know: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ross_Ulbricht
  3. You have seen which Party is backing legislation that singles out half the electorate on the basis of their gender?
  4. The Deplorables were never going to vote for Clinton. Subsequent events have demonstrated her assessment to be correct.
  5. I know a couple of normally Democrat voting women who stated they refused to vote for Hillary because she didn’t divorce Bill after his Lewinsky affair. I am sure this was a factor for many women. But I think a bigger factor is the U.S. is not yet ready for a female President, too many voters have their heads stuck in the 1950s.
  6. It’s not being ignored Brian. It’s been noticed by the electorate. Change is in the air.
  7. I think you’ll find, I and others, have been discussing the failures in UK policing for a number of years now. In posts following my own months long visits to the UK I have frequently mentioned the total absence of police officers outside of transport hubs. Zoe lost her phone and an opportunist thief took advantage of her loss, it happens. Welcome Zoe to the reality of crime millions live with up and down the county. If only somebody had warned the Tories that reducing police numbers and decimating community policing would result in an increase in crime.
  8. I would certainly agree that the Tories have failed to grow the economy. Offering National Service funded by taxes in place of real jobs with real training and of course zero hour contracts. Sunak and his failing party are stone tone deaf. It’s time for a change.
  9. Sunak’s idiot idea is being roundly mocked from all quarters: Nigel Farage, the honorary president of Reform UK, told the BBC that the proposal was designed to appeal to his voters but ultimately a “joke” and “totally impractical”. Although Farage seems to also be implying that Reform voters are attracted by ‘joke’ policies that are ‘totally impractical’. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/may/26/rishi-sunaks-national-service-pledge-is-bonkers-says-ex-military-chief
  10. The whole idea, which isn’t going to be implemented anyway, is being roundly ridiculed in the media. Maybe a few of the octogenarians who saw national service think it’s a good idea, or at least those who thought it was a good idea when they went through it. Anyone with any critical faculties left will ask the obvious question - where’s the money coming from?
  11. The author loses her phone in Waitrose and an opportunist thief makes away with it. Poor Zoe. People up and down the country have been having their homes and businesses burgled with little expectation of the police attending. Time for a change.
  12. Precisely there are no elections Therefore no claim to Hamas being the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in Gaza. Polls - your having a laugh. Hamas have the people of Gaza in an open grip of tyranny. Hamas frequently murder Palestinians who speak up against at them. Your poll needs printing on soft paper.
  13. The internet is an example of a platform on which automation has been implemented and thereby stopped out jobs. Online banking, flight bookings, hotel reservations being common examples.
  14. It just an observation. You mention stuff working. Nothing Sunak promises ever seems to work. I believe voters have noticed.
  15. No I don’t. Neither do I support the continuing carnage and the collective punishment of the people of Gaza. Actually I’d like to see the back of Netanyahu too.
  16. Unless you can show me the result of recent free and fair elections I do not accept they do support Hamas. Hamas has an iron grip on the people of Gaza, they are not free to choose. Not an argument that finds favor with those support the continuing carnage and collective punishment of Palestinians in Gaza but very clearly Hamas hold Palestinian la in Gaza under a brutal regime of control.
  17. And tossed opposition off the top of buildings cancelled elections and used the money Netanyahu help provide to them to fund the building of their terrorist organization. Palestinians have absolutely no control over Hamas.
  18. Forgive me, I owe you an apology, I mixed you up with Nick. Nevertheless, I have not offered to get rid of Hamas, so don’t ask me how I would do that which I have not said I would.
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