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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I understand Trump enjoyed the performance, but testimony it was not.
  2. Those pesky colonists, never have liked paying their taxes to the crown.
  3. It’s a characteristic of toxic narcissists. They are toxic.
  4. Oh, so it’s President Biden. But he wasn’t President at the time of these alleged crimes. So maybe you didn’t mean ‘Commander in Chief’?! Go on, educate me, who were you referring to?
  5. Put your Oxford Dictionary aside for a moment and chew on this: 18 U.S.C. § 2381 says, “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or imprisoned and fined, and incapable of holding any U.S. office.”
  6. An argument only someone ignorant of the U.S. Constitution, or deliberately ignoring it, could make.
  7. Well I don’t agree with the death penalty on the grounds that it is an irreversible penalty delivered by a fallible justice system. That aside, as he’s not an American and therefore isn’t a traitor(to the US) , but he almost certainly is an agent of a foreign power (Russia) and there is definitely cause for him to face trial for his part in the same crimes that Chelsea Manning was found guilty of and served time for. He’s also demonstrably a sniveling coward, though that’s only one of his character flaws and is not a crime.
  8. Assange is not accused of a minor crime, he’s accused of espionage and he’s a demonstrated flight risk. Assange is not facing the death penalty. Your histrionics over ‘gallows’ are noted.
  9. So are you arguing that skipping bail is not in and of itself a crime? Or that Assange didn’t skip bail? Or that Assange has not been afforded due process under the law? Up with your facts to prove any of the above wrong (or as you claim BS).
  10. Michael Cohen might have taken ‘center stage’. But it Robert Castello swooped in just before the final curtain to steal the show: ’All the best people’. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-hush-money-judge-rips-into-witness-robert-costello-2024-5
  11. Skipping bail is in and of itself a crime. No amount of conspiracy nonsense will detract from that fact.
  12. He was at one point given Bail. He did a runner. He’s been locked up in prison because and only because he skipped bail.
  13. And yet the OP on which this thread is based is an example of the courts following due process independent of Government or indeed the CIA. So maybe, and you should perhaps consider this, the factual reality of Assange’s access to due process and his rights under he law is at odds with the things for which ‘you have no doubt in your mind’.
  14. The Pope arguing on principals of morality and humanity. An area of thought some dare not enter.
  15. The British Courts afford people accused of crimes due process as a matter of daily routine. Because that’s what British Courts do. Away with you and your false narrative. And be careful, you’ll be accused of ‘Brit bashing’.
  16. So you ignore the due process Assange has been afforded by the British Courts. What matters is your continuing adherence to the false narrative, even when corrected with linked evidence.
  17. I expect the FBI are more interested in what Farage was passing to Assange during his visit.
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