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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Evidence that this increase in knife crime is attributable to ‘uncontrolled immigration’ if you have it? Or is it yet another unsubstantiated claim?!
  2. I see the culture war nonsense has already shown up. Let’s get to the heart of the matter. Theresa May was warned that removing 20,000 police officers from street patrols would destroy community policing and that crime incidents would rise accordingly. During months long visits to the UK over the past five years I hardly ever saw a police officer anywhere but at the airport. Reports of police failing to attending crime scenes are common place. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13152403/Police-failed-solve-single-break-half-country.html
  3. Your approach is clear. Make unsubstantiated claims then get all personal against anyone who calls them out.
  4. What by dealing with the problem rather than engaging in performative cruelty? Or by not pouring hundreds of £millions of hard earned UK tax payers’ money into Rwanda?
  5. might be worth going back to revisit what posters had to say at the time about the motives of this attack, who the attacker was and why he was at the Pelosi home. Remind ourselves of the crackpot filth so easily swallowed some amongst us.
  6. Disgusting post. No ‘policy’ gave rise to Paul Pelosi being attacked with a hammer in his own home. That attack was a direct outcome of rightwing vitriol heaped on Nancy Pelosi. And I agree it’s a case of Terrorism - Stochastic Terrorism - incite hatred with hate filled rhetoric and someone will act on it.
  7. You ‘read somewhere’. I’m sure you did, but I doubt you want to tell us where.
  8. Makes absolute sense. The failed tory Asylum seeker exchange program has already cost UK tax payers hundreds of £millions while achieving nothing beyond building homes for Rwandans.
  9. As with all things failing Sunak announced, it’s worth waiting for the broader picture to emerge: https://www.theguardian.com/education/article/2024/may/11/rishi-sunak-accused-of-scaremongering-over-uk-students-gaza-protest-camps
  10. Well they are wrong. And sorry I’m not giving you the attention you crave. Next.
  11. ‘Traitors’ That’s a remarkable accusation. Let’s see your evidence to back it up,
  12. I wonder if he’ll be permitted to wear two prison shirts while in the slammer?
  13. The ‘facts’ in the article are no such thing. They are statements by a pro-Israel website linking to Twitter accounts and Israeli press. Another example of precisely why we would all benefit from the world’s news organizations being permitted to enter Gaza and report on what they find there.
  14. And if they are not a bit of ‘regime change’ can always be organized. WMD anyone?
  15. This ‘honestreporting.org’? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HonestReporting
  16. Obviously an opinion piece. Why are we not told who’s opinion it is?
  17. The UK Government have full control of UK Borders. Who are they and their supporters going to blame for the Government’s abject failure on immigration?
  18. Weisselberg, a $750,000 bung got mentioned in court right at the end of Friday’s session. Defendant Trump’s lawyers let out out a bit of a tell with their objections as the Judged declared he’ll spend at least some of the weekend considering hauling Weisselberg in for a chat. https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/05/10/trump-hush-money-criminal-trial/weisselberg-in-court-00157368
  19. The allegations against Israel of genocide are just that, allegations, they are, along with allegations of war crimes, under investigation.
  20. I did. Have you read the factual criticisms of CAMERA?
  21. You’ve added CAMERA who are an organization founded to engage in pro-Israeli news activism. Topically founded in response to news reports of an earlier Israeli incursion into somebody else’s land. The link I provided includes criticism of CAMERA, they are not without their own faults. There is a war, there is obviously a battle over reporting of the war as demonstrated by organizations involved in Pro-Israeli news activism and very definitely by the exclusion of international news organization reporters from Gaza.
  22. CAMERA are involved in a great deal more than ‘fact checking’. And that ignore thing, does it apply to ‘why CAMERA were established and under what circumstances’?
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