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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I don’t know if anyone who is blaming Israel for ‘starting this war’.
  2. And of course the world’s news organizations are not permitted into Gaza to report on what is happening there.
  3. I’m not deflecting’ Camera are engaging in exact behavior as Josh Levs, refer my criticism of that above. That Camera were established in response to news reports of earlier Israeli incursion somebody rise’s land simply underscores the point.
  4. “The group says it was founded in 1982 "to respond to The Washington Post's coverage of Israel's Lebanon incursion", and to respond to what it considers the media's "general anti-Israel bias". Oddly in response to news reporting of Israeli incursion into somebody else’s land. A pattern is emerging.
  5. Camera. No bias there?! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Committee_for_Accuracy_in_Middle_East_Reporting_in_America
  6. At it again Jonny. Posting completely irrelevant nonsense. Proof of your claims regarding protests in Malmo this week is what, stuff from London that was reported back last November?! What a desperate mess your arguments are becoming.
  7. Shock horror. Young woman, who a disturbingly large number of old men fixate on, exercises her democratic right to join a peaceful protest.
  8. Jonny, I think we’ve had this discussion before. Deal with the views and arguments I actually express and not those your fetid imagination dreams up on my behalf.
  9. Democracy doesn’t give everyone everything they want, but you’ll get over it eventually Jonny. Eurovision, don’t forget to vote.
  10. I wouldn’t make that argument, but I do think he’s providing very good grounds for the foundation and international recognition of an independent Palestinian State.
  11. Out declaring that he’s for sale. ’Russia, if you’re listening’!
  12. Not even Sweden, let alone Malmo or the Eurovision Song Contest.
  13. Your memory is not as reliable as you think. I have never argued to overturn the Brexit vote other than by democratic vote. Your pejorative view of why people voted for Sadiq Khan is based on a photo and your own misrepresentation of reality. But look on the bright side Jonny, he’s again the London Mayor, available for you to insert into any topic regardless of what the topic is. Wherever you post, Sadiq Khan is at hand ready and available to be wedged into any topic you choose.
  14. We’ve discussed the why’s at length elsewhere Brian, they are not the topic here. But I get your point, the carnage should just continue under the cover of shouting Antisemitism at anyone who protests. As I said earlier, Josh Levs has given us a perfect example of how media is manipulated. Just count the articles.
  15. Clearly not a fan of democracy then Jonny. And clearly eager to promote your usual false narrative.
  16. Brian ‘There is carnage’. People inside Israel and around the world are protesting to stop the carnage.
  17. Classic avoiding the fact that carnage is underway now, it’s the ongoing carnage people are protesting about. Tens of thousands of civilians killed, the carnage on going, people very rightly protesting; response, flood the media with articles on Antisemitism.
  18. How so. I’ve discussed it at length in the threads in which it is the topic of discussion. I have consistently referred to the Hamas attack as obscene terrorism, I have consistently stated the taking and holding, killing and abuse of hostages is a war crime and that the hostages must be released, the bodies of dead hostages must be returned to their families. Absolutely no denial of any of these obscenities on my part, rather consistent condemnation of these heinous acts. But non of this is the subject under discussion.
  19. Wedging your Sadiq Khan fixation into the topic Jonny. He’s the thrice elected, with increasing popularity, mayor of London, nothing to do with Malmo whatsoever. However, I do accept he does follow you around topics you post on, regardless of what the topic might be.
  20. It’s not the topic of discussion. Just an example of how some folks just can’t stay off their hate mongering.
  21. Once again we are seeing expressions of hatred in this thread from the usual sources.
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