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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. A great deal of auto-grievance stroking and lots of references to race from people usually keen to scream ‘race card’ whenever the matter of race comes up. And of course a total ignorance of the fact the law is not ‘retrospective’ and has no applicability to any alleged hate crimes that took place before the law came into place.
  2. I did not ‘indicate the police would not waste time on your [claimed] report of [your asserted] Yousef’s race rant’. Get back to us when the police advise you if reports of alleged hate incidents that predate the legislation are admissible under the new law. I absolutely agree, your post was an allegation of a conspiracy.
  3. A bigger question is, has Trump himself provided the collateral for this bond or did that come from someone else and if from some else who?
  4. You auto-stroking your self nurtured conspiracy grievances wasn’t what I had in mind. But thanks for the insights.
  5. Donny hiding the truth about his financial standing, where have we seen that before. Hey Donny, are the auditors done yet?
  6. A language does need to be phonetic for any spelling of pronunciations to make sense. You can misspell any word you like, but how that miss spelled word ‘reads’ is dependent upon the accent of the reader.
  7. A curious back drop to this vile specimen’s photo. And well done the BBC! Two British women arrested too.
  8. That’s an odd string of things to stitch into a post. I wonder what brought it on?!
  9. Trump’s obviously keen to get more time in the courthouse. I’m all in favor of him getting great deal more of it.
  10. Which is precisely what Jack Smith is laying the groundwork’s for. Judge Cannon’s ruling is without any legal basis, it doesn’t rely on a single bit of case law, makes zero reference to any law, ruling or precedent. What her ruling does do is demonstrate bias in favor of the defendant. And there only needs to be ‘an appearance of bias’ to warrant recusal.
  11. Some interesting background reading on the matter; https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-10-03/15-minute-cities-what-are-they-and-why-are-they-controversial
  12. When the basis of your argument is a social media meme it’s a clue you are regurgitating what you’ve been fed in which ever fetid corners of the internet you found the meme.
  13. You want the judge to place gag orders on people who haven’t attacked members of the court and their families just to give Trump some company in the naughty corner?
  14. As you understand it. Well you obviously don’t have first hand know of what you preset as fact, so where did you get that claim from?
  15. You know the answer, and so do I, otherwise I would not have asked. The pensions of civil servants, police officers and others in public office are subject to forfeiture in the event of certain criminal convictions relating to their duties in office, chiefly corruption. It’s a big stick to keep these people on the right side of the law as they climb the career ladder, gain more power and more to lose - we can thank Samuel Peeps for that. It’s also a glaring example of precisely why there is no equivalence to be drawn between public and private sector pension schemes. They come with completely different rules, one can be forfeited for behavior in office, the other cannot.
  16. Remind me. Amongst the reasons to leave is criminal conviction of certain crimes while in office (not that this applies to you) but when it does what happens to the Civil Servant’s/Police Officer’s pension?
  17. Maybe this “deranged and quasi fascistic part of the transgender movement which aggressively looks to take up public space on these issues.” doesn’t exist neither in reality nor in the behaviors you attribute.
  18. Thank you. Yes you are correct. She bending over backwards to help the guy who she owed her job to. Interestingly, there only needs to be an appearance of bias for the judge to be removed from the case. I have the feeling Jack Smith had been giving her all the rope she needs.
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