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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Trump’s past behavior is my guess. https://trumpresearchbook.com/en/home/trump-personal-reports/not-paying
  2. Transam breaks the glass on the emergency run out of any sensible arguments ‘Corbyn’ button.
  3. The projection runs thick through that missive.
  4. There is no controversy, it’s all fabricated rightwing grievance. You guys are not happy unless you are outraged about something.
  5. You believe right, nothing Jesus taught warrants the fabricated outrage you and others on the right are engaging in. Refer post above for a response to the irony of your ‘irony’.
  6. The irony you missed is great tolerance, understanding and respect are the core of the teachings of Jesus. Thanks though for the laugh out loud absurdity you felt the need dream up and then share.
  7. Opinions differ. There’s plenty of unearned income going untaxed. The latest scam of building loopholes into the tax code for Non Doms being an example Corporate Offshoring of profits being another. Well past time to sign up to the CCCTB Oh… that’s what the Tories were trying to avoid.
  8. Being possessed of blind ignorance is one thing, choosing to announce it on the internet is something else entirely.
  9. Assuming of course the Tories retain enough seats to be the Party of Opposition.
  10. Shiver me timbers, I don’t think the WH had anything to say about ‘Talk Like a Pirate Day’ either.
  11. Can you point to anything that Jesus said that warrants all this outrage over the coincidence of dates? Give it your best go.
  12. So if I have a friend whose birthday falls on Easter Sunday, is it wrong of me to wish them a happy birthday?
  13. Caitlyn Jenner is a Republican. “Easter, the perfect occasion for the political right to turn up their message of hate, enmity and division.“
  14. Easter, the perfect occasion for the political right to turn up their message of hate, enmity and division.
  15. He’s claims to have actuary skills and doesn’t do the ‘who knows what might add up’ scenario. Something doesn’t add up.
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