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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Except people can do the math. And people do get to retirement and see the gap between what they would have received under their original pension contracts and what they actually receive under their new contracts. 99% you say. When I see anyone quoting an opinion that 99% of someone or something they don’t agree with I 100% know they (you) are dreaming up nonsense.
  2. I guess it wouldn’t bother you if the police arrest people just for the money.
  3. While hypothesize numbers to suit your point of view, we have this to give us an insight: “The starting salary is more than £4,000 less than a constable who joined the police before 2013, when the then home secretary Theresa May slashed officer salaries in a raft of controversial austerity measures.“ With starting salaries 85% of what they were 11 years ago, is it any wonder “Worried officers have proposed setting up food banks for police recruits, The Independent can reveal, as one in 10 admit to relying on handouts.”
  4. And this, is this a quote from the article? “Worried officers have proposed setting up food banks for police recruits, The Independent can reveal, as one in 10 admit to relying on handouts.” Yes or no? How about this: “Worried officers have floated the idea of establishing food banks specifically tailored for police recruits, underscoring the severity of the situation.”
  5. Why? The article clearly states the salary of recruits, of which one in 10 admit to relying on handouts. The article further states: “Worried officers have floated the idea of establishing food banks specifically tailored for police recruits, underscoring the severity of the situation.” So the subject is police recruits, known salary, relying on handouts to the point were officers have considered setting up dedicated food banks for police recruits. While I understand your pedantry has the better of you, it is a mistake on your part to believe it has the better of anyone else.
  6. Perhaps this evaded you: ”Worried officers have proposed setting up food banks for police recruits, The Independent can reveal, as one in 10 admit to relying on handouts.”
  7. You inserted an imaginary police officer into the discussion, and you say I’m losing my touch?
  8. If you know of such an officer post the details and we’ll discuss further.
  9. The police officers being referred to in the OP are all junior recruits, I doubt very much they are at all involved in the allocation of police resources. 20mph zones are a matter for local councils, they are generally popular with local residents, particularly those who have children. There are no ‘police no go areas’ in the UK, though I would agree there is a need for more police presence in many places. Perhaps it wasn’t a good idea to cut 20,000 experienced officers out of the force and in doing so wipe out community policing.
  10. The only thing it demonstrates is the sense of entitlement exhibited by a high earner and how out of touch Hunt is with the reality of most people’s financial circumstances.
  11. Different people, different circumstances. Maybe we need some recently surveyed parent to clinch the argument.
  12. And now with private sector workers stripped of their pensions, attention turns to stripping the pensions from public sector workers. First move towards that end, incite some spite and envy. The people who stripped out private sector worker pensions goading those they robbed to be envious of the next target of their never ending hunger for more money to be fed up the ladder. Working people who swallow the gambit respond like crabs in a bucket. Divide and conquer. It’s worked for centuries.
  13. Not strictly true. Bean counters spotting an opportunity to cut company contributions to employee pension schemes and transfer the money saved to shareholders was a decision to cut the share workers received from company profits. Not one of affordability but of driving up dividends to share holders at cost to employees. Added to which changes to pension regulations to penalize pension funds for being over funded, encouraged employers to run funds down and take ‘contribution holidays’.
  14. A particular stupid form of fraud, since it would be directly linked to your own bank account.
  15. Is that whataboutary, or you trying to insert your off topic and baseless assumptions of ‘my country’ into the discussion? Refer OP for topic of discussion.
  16. What he did say is ‘It [£100K] is not a huge salary in our area [Godalming] if you have a mortgage to pay’. It was a politically stupid thing to say but not unexpected on past performance.
  17. What like spending on accommodation and stuff like that? Or perhaps you think the figures quoted in other threads are all directly relatable to the specifics of the report above.
  18. I’ll give inserting the ATM card a go next time. I admit I was in a bit of a rush to get rid of the cash on my way for a beer with a friend.
  19. I yesterday sold a top end racing bike, the buyer drove over to inspect and pay but arrived after the banks had closed. I was expecting a bank to bank transfer but he turned up with cash. Which is of course always nice to receive. I took the money to a Kasikorn Bank Cash Deposit Machine but could not make the deposit as the machine requests a Thai National ID number as and I could not see an option to use my passport number. I understand this requirement for an ID number comes from the latest anti money laundering measures. So now I have to make a trip into the bank to make the deposit. Do the CDMs accept Foreign passport numbers or is there a a hack I’m not aware of?
  20. No mention of mobile phones in the OP. It might be something Transam dreamed up.
  21. Trump has been cowed by the gag order. His attack on the Judge’s daughter, who is not included in the gag order, is a news grabbing stunt that portrays Trump as doing what his supporters love about him, being overtly offensive and attacking a woman. It’s pure cowardice. Think back on how many times in the past Trump’s response to a man who has power or leverage over Trump has been to attack the man’s wife or girlfriend. It’s what this slimy coward does. His supporters love him for it.
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