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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Your logic assumes that there was foreknowledge of that particular door plug would blow out. Otherwise the calculation becomes a conditional probability = Probability Seats Empty|Probability That particular Door Plug Blow Out. Depending on how many doors this would reduce the probability by orders of magnitude. So highly unlikely that anyone could game the seating at that particular door. There are also conditional influences on the probability of the seats being empty. These being, extra charge for a door seat and/or disabled passengers and people unable to operate the door not being seated in door seat rows. These would increase the probability of the seats being empty without any other considerations needing to play a part.
  2. You really don’t know much about sport organization do you. Add another category and let everyone take part, it might not feed your need to exclude folk but it does open the door for wider participation. As a life long sportsman I’m all in favor of maximizing access to participation in sport.
  3. My two paragraphs. So you were doing your teacher thing. Maybe you are right, keep the politics of division and the politics of culture wars out of sports. Let the sports organizations themselves do the… organizing as they feel fit. Easy answer, add more categories, it’s been done before.
  4. Or rather sports organizations simply need to broaden their categories. We can then avoid the pretense of anyone on the political altright parading their newly minted ‘care for women’ credentials.
  5. Certainly large numbers of women will play a part. And I don’t think Liz’ Cheney is quite yet done with Trump.
  6. He’s perhaps doing his part in the ‘If your heart is in Israel’ immigrant recruitment campaign that’s constantly showing up in my social media stream Or perhaps the view from Israel is a little distorted from the reality in London: https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/09/im-jewish-and-feel-totally-safe-marching-for-gaza-london-protesters-defy-sunaks-extremist-slur
  7. I believe the Republican response to tragic and unnecessary killings is ‘thoughts and prayer’ followed by blocking any legislation aimed at reducing the root cause. Which is exactly what Republicans are doing at the border, refusing to back Bi-partisan legislation because the fat guy doesn’t like it. So give up with camping on the deaths of innocent, you’re full of it.
  8. Let’s have you produce evidence of Biden making someone suffering disabilities, or denigrating veterans and former prisoners of war. Any evidence of Biden saying there are good people in both sides, when one side are neo Nazis spewing antisemitic hatred? Give your best false equivalence shot.
  9. The only division Obama created was by being a black President. Racists in the Republican Party, most of MAGA, still haven’t got over it. Don’t upset racists by being a smart black guy in power, if you do it’s your fault racists get angry.
  10. 15 days to the start of the trial. Get your ‘popped liquid gold’ ready.
  11. Her ‘mushroom’ analogy was very clearly a comment for an audience of one… Melania.
  12. You obviously don’t know when you’ve been out smarted.
  13. You are missing the point. There is no liability for not seeing something at sea.
  14. It’s a Trump team narrative that started immediately after Trump was rushed into the Walter Reed Memorial Hospital in the middle of the night to be administered the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test. We have still not been told why it was deemed necessary.
  15. We know about Warren’s efforts for campaign finance reform, opposed all the way by Republicans. Where is your evidence to back your claim that donations to Biden are, in your words:
  16. Was that some random brain neuron firing was there anything remotely on topic about it?
  17. Americans putting their hand in their pocket and donating big time to Biden’s campaign. Putting their dollars on the man they want to win the Presidency.
  18. No, it was President Biden. You should have watched more than two minutes of the speech, you might have heard a lot of things you liked, like millions of Americans did: https://people.com/joe-biden-2024-state-union-recap-best-fundraising-hours-campaign-cycle-8606236
  19. The overwhelming evidence is yesterday’s speech was not delivered by a man suffering ‘mental decline’. Which is why those who swallowed the rightwing narrative on that matter are suffering such obvious emotional states today. There’s as much rage and hair pulling on right today as there would have been had President Biden forgotten who he beat in the last election, confused Pelosi for Haley or announced Putin can do whatever the hell he wants and gone around saluting generals in an enemy state. And then some. Biden was articulate, erudite, forceful, witty and completely in control of the room. He was even generous in his recognition of the last decent and honest President the Republicans produced. And Trump fans hate that all America saw this.
  20. I’m not making any excuses for Biden, there’s nothing I feel needs excusing. Now, Trump six speeches in one day. Your claim, back it up.
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