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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Oddly, life is definitely going my way right now. I don’t feel the need to kick down on anyone in order to make myself or my own life seem better.
  2. A substantial number of MAGA/Trump supporters on this forum have never sat a Civic class in their life. And it shows.
  3. Yet more ill-informed nonsense for me to correct. Hunter Biden doesn’t have to convince anyone of anything. President Biden’s, accusers need to prove his guilt.
  4. You’ll have to figure that out for yourself. Let me know when you find and example.
  5. So we are getting to the bit where it becomes impossible to hide the fact Trump is broke.
  6. The circular logic that afflicts all rightwing conspiracy adicts.
  7. One’s dead, one has gone missing and the third is broke and going to prison.
  8. The UK has a long history of anti semitism across the whole of the political spectrum. The cause of damage to the UK is about to be removed from office, my punt is May.
  9. All this MAGA angst over the courts removing money from Trump that he obtained through fraud. I can’t wait to see the MAGA meltdown when the courts remove Trump’s liberty.
  10. Comer makes baseless accusations against Biden predicated on the testimony of a perjurer then makes more accusations against st the FBI for arresting the perjurer on charges of…. Wait for it…. Perjury. The GOP surrender all claims to be the party of law and order.
  11. He comes out with this Harry and Meghan garbage in order to keep his rightwing nut job supporters in the UK on side. They after-all the source of a significant number of the pro-Trump posts on social media, this forum included. They don’t get to vote Trump but they do bash their keyboards on his behalf…. Go figure.
  12. It seems you’ve been out of the UK so long you’ve forgotten how legal representation works and why it works that way.
  13. Everyone? I, for example, know nothing of the sort. And I’m not the only one inhabiting the fact based universe.
  14. No, anyone who’s liabilities are greater than their assets is broke. What you banging on about Obama and Biden for?
  15. It’s not a legal obligation for the bank to check. It is a legal obligation to provide accurate information when applying for a loan. Right above the signature box is a warning that false statements are fraud under federal and state law.
  16. Well I’m sure you’d spew some online rage, but ai doubt you rant for anyone but yourself.
  17. So when Trump was no longer President and the Biden administration demanded the return of classified documents that Trump had removed to Mar A Largo?
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