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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Refer to the top of the forum you’ll find guidance on when a link is required, it’s along the lines of: ”Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source.” Let me know when I ask for links that is inconsistent with that guidance. In the meantime consider the difference between an opinion and a statement purporting to be a fact.
  2. You mean you quoted it, but it wasn’t you. Despite in your original post you made absolutely no mention of ‘Politico’. You typed it, then you hit submit reply’.
  3. Just checking, that was you. Before you started banging on about issues around legal immigration?
  4. Regardless, the Government’s knee jerk reaction to rightwing hysteria on immigration targeted both ‘legal’ and ‘illegal’ immigration. Lending a lie to the claim it’s only ‘illegal immigration’ that the extremists on the right are concerned over. The ensuing embarrassing climb down was expected and unlike most of what is expected from this Government it was delivered.
  5. Opinions differ. Tory statements on withdrawing from humans rights law, proposals to place Government above the law and scapegoating immigrants are all a matter of public record.
  6. Did I say immigrant numbers should be unlimited? I simply pointed out the fact that all immigration is a issue, not simply ‘illegal immigration’. That the Tories have failed on all fronts doesn’t help.
  7. An observation of factual Tory posturing is not a redefinition of Conservatism. .
  8. Odd then that the Government should have set about increasing the income threshold, a many other means, in order to ‘slash’ immigration to the UK. Most of these Government moves aim to reduce legal immigration: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/home-secretary-unveils-plan-to-cut-net-migration
  9. Can you point to where I have given a definition of Conservatism. Listing some of the characteristics of this failing Conservative Government that is itself engaging in internal strife over what the party stands for is not by any means or sense ‘redefining Conservatism’. But please go ahead provide a quote from any of my posts that substantiates your claim.
  10. Well yes, extreme right wingers do scapegoat immigrants.
  11. So ‘the boats’ are the ‘second biggest concern’ of ‘Tory Voters’. Elections are won by winning swing voters, and as you yourself point out, the boats are only the second biggest concern within the Tory base. I expect it has dawned on even those normally reliable Tory voters that the Government has failed miserably on immigration. Oh did I make any comment on legal/illegal immigration?
  12. You are making the not uncommon mistake of grouping all concerns on a subject into the same pot. One voter might simply be concerned about the number of immigrants. Another might be concerned about where the immigrants are coming from. Another, might be concerned about the costs related to immigration. Another might be concerned about immigrants dying in the Channel. The list goes on. It’s very likely they all agree that the Government has failed to manage immigration.
  13. And it also does something around ‘sample size’, ‘confidence’. Your focus on ‘randomness’ rather than ‘representative sample’ further illustrates your ignorance on the subject. But here’s the kicker. Repeated surveys since BREXIT by multiple organizations consistently indicate public opinion moving against BREXIT.
  14. Tories screaming about ditching human rights laws, placing Government above the law and scapegoating immigrants not ‘Conservative’ enough for you?
  15. How about providing some solid evidence of BREXIT being a success? Or are those ‘warm sunlit uplands’ still over the horizon?
  16. Do you have data that demonstrates people who hang up are probably more likely to be one side or the other? Or did you simply dream that up to illustrate your ignorance of the mathematics of sampling?
  17. The Tories have already swung hard right, it’s not working out for them. By all means go further right, it’s a losing formula, go for it.
  18. We know nothing of the sort. We do however know there are repeated reports from people who have been close to Trump that he stinks of leaking diapers. So of course the rightwing accuse Biden of that which they know relates to Trump.
  19. Still winning? Outside of the alternative reality that is MAGA he’s getting reemed.
  20. Says fan of authoritarianism who goes out of his way to avoid hearing opinions counter to his own.
  21. To be fair, the internal Tory opposition vote is itself split between those in the moderate center of the party who know the Rwanda Bill breaks international law and won’t work and the rightwing extremists who don’t think it goes far enough. The Tories are at war with themselves as the Government stares down the barrel of annihilation at the coming General Election. Here’s a curious circumstance: The Tories know they are going to lose, they know replacing Sunak now isn’t going to win them the election. The fight is therefore over who is going to run the Tory Party in opposition. A large Tory defeat plays into the hands of the rightwing extremists making it very much easier for them to take control of the party after the election while blaming moderates for the party’s losses. Meanwhile, as Tories squabble, the nation flounders. Same same for 14 straight years.
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