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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I have three road bikes and a mountain bike. I have a CatEye tool bottle in which I carry a spare inner tube, tire leavers, puncture repair kit, tire patch, an inflator with two gas bottles, a quick link, three cable ties a small multi tool, a quick link and a couple of antihistamine tablets. I switch this between my road bikes and have under saddle tool bag on my mountain bike on which tire sizes and chain size is different to the road bikes, hence different spares. Additionally I have front and rear lights, discussed above and on each bike speed, cadence sensors and power meter pedals. I switch my head Polar Head Unit between bikes. On all bikes I carry a 700ml water bottle that is usually filled with an electrolyte solution. I don’t ride at night.
  2. I do u destined this, hence I bought CatEye lights which meet the relevant code requirements.
  3. I used to see him often in Pattaya, even bought him a drink once.
  4. Why don’t you ask the forum management to open a thread on the subject, you can then feed your need.
  5. I doubt very much you know what actually went on, or rather that your version of events is an faithful representation of what went on. I don’t dismiss what went on. Rather it’s not the subject of discussion and I’m not wired to pathologically insert the subject were it doesn’t belong.
  6. For me it’s a yes. I ride with front flashing frog lights on both forks and a rear Cat-Eye strobe light. I find this significantly reduce the frequency of vehicles pulling out in front of me while passing vehicles more often lay back and pass wide.
  7. I’m sure you could. But why? It’s got nothing at all to do with the topic of discussion. Refer top of thread for easily grasped clues.
  8. Not unless courts of law no longer pass judgement it isn’t.
  9. They prove nothing of the sort. The court papers are a record, they are transcripts.
  10. Sex with a minor in the U.S. is definitely rape, the disgraced Prince Andrew is credibly alleged to have done just that.
  11. That’s not the legal age wrt prostitution and it’s certainly not the legal age in the U.S. locations the disgraced Prince Andrew is alleged to have committed sex crimes.
  12. Refer to the top of the thread for the subject of discussion, and yes I agree, statutory rape’.
  13. Not applicable to the crimes alleged to have occurred in the U.S. And within the U.K. sex with a prostitute under the age of 18 is a crime, additionally so if they have been trafficked for the purposes of sex. Refer Sexual Offenses Act 2003.
  14. That might be true of the monarch himself, it is not true of any other member of the royal family. Like I said, the disgraced Prince Andrew will not be visiting NY again or indeed the US.
  15. If the rightwing christofascists he elevated to the SCOTUS can’t save him, he hopes the misery of an economic crash is visited on America to the job for him. Maybe one of the totalitarian thugs he admires so much can get the message and disrupt oil and gas supplies, or a major trade route, that might do the trick.
  16. Irrelevant unless those countries are places where the alleged crimes took place. Referring to the subject of this thread, Epstein’s home was in NY, I doubt the disgraced Prince Andrew will visit NY again, or indeed the U.S.
  17. Again, Perjury is a serious crime. Why doesn’t the disgraced Prince Andrew file a police complaint?!
  18. Again, sworn testimony before a court Jonny. Don’t ever do such a thing unless you are telling the truth. If the testimony was a lie, why doesn’t the disgraced Prince Andrew file a complaint of Perjury…. And libel?!
  19. We’ll to fair, begging mummy for money is the least of the accusations against the disgraced Prince Andrew.
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