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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. You were wondering why evidence of a prospective candidate for the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election who relies on a Christian Evangelicals, and rightwing moral crusaders for much of his support being a frequent flyer and associate of a notorious pedophile might be an issue? Then you stretched your brain to come to some kind of ridiculous conclusion that I might consider the issue to be something to do with an ‘Amendment’ prohibiting flying on private jets. 0 out of 10. You really must try harder.
  2. Oh look, a bit of whataboutary. Perhaps discussing which hopefuls in the 2024 presidential race are named and proven frequent traveling buddies with the pedophile Epstein on his ‘Lolita Express’ is a little uncomfortable given folk will soon have to decide who to vote for. The guy who hangs out with pedophiles or the guy who doesn’t. The stink around Trump is widely reported and real.
  3. Can you please point out where I stated, or even suggested, any ‘Amendment’ prohibits travel on a private jet?
  4. $Trillions in tax give seats to the hyper wealthy don’t seem to bother you.
  5. Clinton isn’t ‘my boy’, nor is he hoping to stand for election to President of the United States in 2024. There is one hopeful for the 2024 presidential elections named as a passenger on the ‘Lolita Express’ and he’s named multiple times. Oh, and his name isn’t Biden.
  6. He certainly was, and he gets multiple mentions: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10331943/amp/Trump-flew-seven-times-Jeffrey-Epsteins-private-Lolita-Express-jet-flight-logs-reveal.html
  7. So Biden ordered Putin to invade Ukraine and Hamas to go on a killing spree in Israel. Who knew?!
  8. It’s meaningless to state Democrat confidence in elections alongside of those of Republicans if no sense of why each group holds their views. Democrats might reasonably question election integrity where Republican administrations have enacted gerrymandering policies targeting Democrat voters, while Republicans might, as an example, buy into fruitcake scribblings in an anonymously authored 32 page stack of nonsense. I myself would like to be sure that the election returns submitted to Congress are signed off by real Electors and not by slates of fake electors returning fake results in a criminal conspiracy to override the vote and keep a stinking man child in office when the electorate have democratically voted him out. Fortunately we don’t need to puzzle our heads over this, the courts have returned scores of rulings dismissing claims of election fraud and the DOJ is in the process of prosecuting those who actually attempted to overthrow the election. It’s helpful that some of these anti democratic extremists signed their own names on fake elector documents and submitted them to Congress. Their attempt to fraudulently overthrow the legitimate election result is a matter of Congressional Records with their own signatures appended. So give up this gas lighting hs of yours. And please print your 32 page anonymous dossier on softer paper, it might be then comfortably put to the only use it’s fit for, perhaps by Trump himself, I hear he has a problem in that area.
  9. There is a sniffing problem, it’s widely reported the stench is oozing out of Trump.
  10. Like who has time to read 32 pages of garbage assembled by someone who won’t even put their own name to it? That’s not a lack of curiosity, it’s a short cut to avoiding the brown stuff that comes out he back r d of horses.
  11. Anonymously posted because the author made it up, and then you decided to post it here despite the obvious fact that it is all completely unattributed nonsense. But it ticked the box of telling you what it is you want to hear. Shameless comes to mind.
  12. Truth and facts are like that, some folk are impervious to them both. Wrt these particular truths and facts it would seem the ‘some’ is around a third of Americans.
  13. The one that stated ‘Only criminals take the fifth’ And then took the fifth over 400 times. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/31/trump-news-pleads-fifth-video-new-york-fraud-deposition
  14. He’s telling KhunLA what KhunLA wants to believe. That makes him very special.
  15. Even the Rightwing Trump pumping AFPI couldn’t bring itself to claim voter discrepancies found. Their claim is “A potential 8,241-vote discrepancy ” Known otherwise as unsubstantiated claims.
  16. The U.S. doesn’t have a voter fraud problem either.
  17. Read and inwardly digest: The analysis shows that strict identification laws have a differentially negative impact on the turnout of racial and ethnic minorities in primaries and general elections. We also find that voter ID laws skew democracy toward those on the political right. And: https://www.cato.org/blog/noncitizens-dont-illegally-vote-detectable-numbers
  18. We don’t have to take your word for it: https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/688343
  19. Nothing to do with democracy and everything to do with the Constitution. Oh and Trump isn’t on any ballot paper.
  20. Some corrections to your post. It was Trump who tried to bypass the ballot to stay in power, a tactic that included attempts to use the legal system and culminated in violent insurrection. It is Trump’s continuing lies that is undermining the democratic process. The Democrats did rather well in the mid terms and have done extremely well in various Special Elections that have come up since 2020. In truth the polar opposite of the ill informed nonsense you posted.
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