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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The Bedfordshire Fire Brigade official press release stated a Diesel vehicle. So do you have any factual information or statements that contradict the Fire Brigade statement? Or are you providing us with an example of gaslighting?
  2. Without the benefit of cider, it’s easier to understand that ‘the law’ is within the terms of the BREXIT withdrawal agreement, which is itself a Treaty. The UK may not change the treaty without agreement with the other nation signatures to the treaty. The UK could of course unilaterally renege on the treaty, but those outside the rightwing lunatic fringe understand the consequences of nations reneging on treaties. Likewise the ECHR, membership of which underpins numerous treaties to which the UK is a signatory and also the cooperation between European nation courts and law enforcement and that of the UK. By example, membership of the ECHR and human rights conventions is a central to the Good Friday Agreement. The UK has had its instructions from Washington on not messing with that tinderbox. Just more examples of how Brexiteers are eager to continue to vandalize the UK’s international standing and get behind rightwing extremists within the UK Government seeking to strip rights and protections from the people of the UK.
  3. At the very least someone underestimated Hamas. At worst they have access to very dangerous Intelligence. The whole concept of ‘an iron dome’ and ‘secure borders’ has a gaping crack in it.
  4. No it is not. Now try to address the questions I ask or jog on.
  5. Here’s a question to everyone, but particularly to @Morch because you are at least addressing issues not emotions. I think we would all agree that the success of Hamas’ obscene terrorist attack (and it was without doubt an obscenity) was due in no small part to the failure of Israeli Intelligence Services to detect the rising threat and/or Israeli Military/Political Leadership to respond to any warnings given. It is perhaps enticing to accept the argument that the Hamas attack (obscene as it was) was cunning, audacious and lucky. There are rational arguments that Israel should be cautious in its military response, particularly ground invasion, given the demonstrated failures of Israeli Intelligence. Implicit in that view is the acceptance that the success or failure of a military action is to a significant extent predetermined by the quality of the available intelligence. Which shines a spot light on the elephant in the room. Here are two questions deserving of consideration. I’m sure someone in Israel is either considering these questions or not doing their job: Q1. Was the success of the (obscene) Hamas terrorist attack predicated on accurate Intelligence available to Hamas? Q2. If so where did this accurate Intelligence come from and how did it make its way to Hamas?
  6. Or at least have read the withdrawal agreement and tried your best to understand it.
  7. Why would you, that was the Government’s job. Shame they didn’t read it first.
  8. The Rwanda Agreement is for the removal of asylum seekers (actually an exchange of asylum seekers). It has absolutely nothing to do with ‘illegal immigrants’ since by condition of the agreement’s own clauses only ‘asylum seekers’ can be exchanged with Rwanda and ‘asylum seekers’ are not ‘illegal immigrants’.
  9. There are no EU laws on the UK Stature Book, they are all UK laws. The mass repeal of those laws was one of Sunak’s quieter U-Turns, interestingly Rees-Mogg, whose mad idea it was and his chums in the ERG were also very quiet about that U-Turn. The ECHR is nothing at all to do with the EU, the UK was a founding member. Like Rees-Mogg’s ‘great repeal’ more stable heads won’t go near leaving the ECHR though Braverman says it’s in her agenda. Perhaps it would have been a good idea to have read the BREXIT withdrawal agreement before signing it into law.
  10. Imagine the heat that would have been generated in this thread if the fire had been attributable to an EV. It wasn’t and there’s still flame fanning and hot gasses coming out of the anti-EV corner.
  11. Remember Ian Duncan Smith arguing there was no need for Parliament to read the details of the withdrawal agreement. Seems someone took him up int absurdity.
  12. Hakeem Jeffries has just laid it out. Gym Jordan 16 years in Congress and not a single bill to his name. Jeffries nails the problem the GOP are struggling with, it’s one of their own making: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4255999-jeffries-jordan-democrats-wont-support-house-speaker/amp/
  13. You certainly don’t know what he’s said in private, not that your ignorance on the matter is a bar to you making stuff up. And edited out of context video evidence lol.
  14. A rightwing ‘leftist and Corbyn fixated troll’ who hasn’t yet twigged the current war is between Israel and Hamas.
  15. Deary me Johnny, Why didn’t I think of that…… No scratch that..I’ve not been on YouTube. Why did the Bedfordsire Fire Brigade state ‘Diesel’ rather than ‘Hybrid Diesel’… or even ‘Diesel Hybrid’. Perhaps A. They haven’t been at the YouTube short cut to being an expert on everything. B. It’s a conspiracy to hide the truth ( as you know it). C. They know what they are talking about and the vehicle was a bog standard Diesel. Pick the one that helps you avoid accepting you ran your mouth.
  16. Deary me Jonny: “The investigation into the cause of the fire continues, but it has been determined that the vehicle that first caught fire was a diesel car.” Refer link from our new member, who does know what he’s talking about, below: Your ‘basic knowledge of fire’ seems to have failed you Jonny, perhaps you need to watch a few more YouTube videos,
  17. They aren’t your friends. Nor have they been since that shameful debacle in Singapore.
  18. The seething mess known as Donald Trump is all over the place. Simebody get the ‘stage crook’ and hook him off before he does any more damage: https://www.reuters.com/world/trump-says-israels-netanyahu-was-not-prepared-hamas-attack-2023-10-12/
  19. Meanwhile Republicans departed Washington for the weekend. They obviously see no urgency in giving Gym the job.
  20. At the root of Trump’s remarks is the unblinking readiness to capitalize on the terrorist atrocities and the ensuing suffering as a means to attack one’s own political enemies and/or the dead horse that never ceases to be in need of a flogging. One can almost hear the cogs turning. From Trump, use it against Democrats. From others, use it against ‘Lefties, use it agains ‘The UN, use it against, Muslims, use it against whoever it is you have a disagreement with. Oh and of course, drape yourself in a cloak of effected fair mindedness and use it against the Jews. Non of these opportunists are adding anything at all useful to the discourse, they are simply capitalizing on what they see as an opportunity.
  21. Without the name you failed to take note of, the individual expressing the opinion could be anyone. They might even be someone who was invited to comment solely on the basis of the opinions they hold. Perhaps more moderate or nuanced opinions were not what the AJ program directors were looking for.
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