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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Oh you were wandering off topic to talk about your misunderstandings of past conflicts so you can avoid discussing the clear patriotic and strong leadership of President Biden, as he stands by America’s allies, supports the right of democratic nations to defend themselves against illegal military invasion and obscene attacks while upholding international law.
  2. Can you please explain, in your own words, what war mongering the US were involved in when Putin illegally invaded Ukrainian? And when you’ve done that, tell us what war mongering the US was engaged in when Hamas committed their obscene terrorist attack on Israel?
  3. It’s been left out of the current policy proposals. Though disappointing it’s not abandoning the policy. The case for banning harmful and ‘forever’ chemicals still stands.
  4. Perhaps because his supporters are half a sleep or completely out of it:
  5. Hang on a minute. You want the US out of other people’s lives and you blame the IS for getting out of other people’s lives in Afghanistan of snd of course you invent and then attribute some views to ‘lefties’. Read the timeline you’ll understand who it was who ordered the immediate unconditional release of Taliban militants from Afghan prisons. The US did not go to Afghanistan to improve the lives of Afghan women. The appalling treatment of Afghan women is down to the Taliban and whoever it was who ordered the unconditional release of thousands of Taliban from Afghan prisons. Oh and the UK withdrew too.
  6. Nah, he’ll do what he always does. Pullout before discovery and deposition. My advice to his lawyer Hugh Tomlinson KC, demand payment in advance and don’t accept a cheque.
  7. Again, read the timeline and at least have some grasp of what you are talking about.
  8. US preoccupation with Ukraine, sending weapons at a profit. US Involvement with Israel, sending two out of 11 of it’s carrier strike groups.
  9. The US went into Afghanistan to remove Al Qaeda - mission accomplished. Refer timeline listed educate yourself on the withdrawal. The fact you aren’t speaking German demonstrates the ignorance of your second post. You are sure of many things Jonny, which in itself is no guide to their veracity.
  10. A bit early for such nonsense. You should consider that perhaps the robust support for Ukraine will give China pause for thought on ideas to invade Taiwan. Oh and Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, those were wars in which America fought. America is not fighting in Ukraine.
  11. Your whole ‘Afghanistan withdrawal’ is a deflection Jonny. And one for which you are willfully ignorant of the facts. Perhaps Biden should stay out of other lives, and not petition Israel to allow aid into Gaza and not provide weapons to the Ukranian’s in order that they can fight the illegal military invasion of their country. Thankfully he chooses otherwise. That he also doesn’t try to extort Ukraine is a bonus. Oh and Congress votes the Budget, not the President.
  12. We’re all doomed. Perhaps that was *Hamas’ plan all along. Start a war, get large numbers of Palestinians killed in to drag in Hezbollah and Iran. Two US Navy Carrier Groups sitting off Israel are give anyone thinking about getting involved pause for thought. And pause for thought is a good thing.
  13. You should perhaps inform yourself of the regional politics and strategic interests around both the Ukraine and Israel. You might also wish to consider which other nations are watching to see if seizing territory by illegal military invasion is something that they might get away with. The death of people in Gaza was an inevitable outcome of Hamas’ obscene terrorist attack on Israel, perhaps a desired outcome. It would not be happening if Hamas had not attacked Israel.
  14. Or the the US could sit back and let the war in Ukraine spread to the point where the US had to once again send its youth to die in Europe. While at the same time letting other nations observe that they can take territory by illegal wars of invasion. Supporting Ukraine and Israel with military hardware is a lot more accepting to US voters than sending their sons and daughters to war. But thank you for reminding us that Putin’s propaganda is still in play.
  15. The US Navy are sitting off the Israeli coast to deter any opportunist attacks by third nations on Israel. Their main means to do so is overwhelmingly air superiority. The US has sent two carrier groups, not land forces or marines.
  16. Two US Navy carrier groups sitting off the coast of Israel is a very odd appeasement. Your other off topic canned rants are noted.
  17. Of course you don’t want to discuss the timeline which provides an insight into who made what decisions and the consequences of the decisions they made.
  18. It’s always amusing when you come on here and openly display your ignorance of the basic facts behind issues you are ranting about. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/08/timeline-of-u-s-withdrawal-from-afghanistan/
  19. Better that than American lives having to be expended later down the line after appeasement failed.
  20. The Junta attacks while the international community is distracted elsewhere.
  21. Cometh the hour, cometh the man. We’re the United States of America for God’s sake, the most powerful nation in the history — not in the world, in the history of the world,” “We can take care of both of these and still maintain our overall international defense.” Well said Mr President.
  22. Thankfully Biden is being the President the US needs and stepping up his support for international allies in peril.
  23. Where is your evidence that the vehicle that caused the Luton Car Park Fire was a diesel hybrid? “Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source.”
  24. Also from the same article: “ The rapid rise is attributed to the growing presence of EVs on British roads, spanning cars, trucks, e-bikes, and electric scooters. Sarah Martin, president of Honeywell Sensing and Safety Technologies (SST), commented: “Although we are seeing a striking increase in fires related to EVs, the number is still low in relation to the total EVs in use across the UK, which exceeds 1.1 million.” The 1.1million seems to be way under the actual number, since there are approaching 500,000 e-bikes in the UK and approximately 750,000 e-scooters. Which raises another issue. Are fires caused by e-bikes, e-scooters, e-mono wheels, e-hoverboards being conflated with fires in EV motor cars/busses etc? These various forms of EVs are certainly not manufactured to the same standards. https://ebiketips.road.cc/content/news/uk-e-bike-sales-slow-due-to-cost-of-living-crisis-with-lack-of-subsidies-a-barrier-4297#:~:text=E-bike sales have tripled,estimated 155%2C000 bikes in 2022. https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2022-12-08/debates/185895BF-38BE-4550-A19D-7642420D3487/E-ScootersAntisocialUse#:~:text=It is estimated that there,in the years to come.
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