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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Perhaps you should take that up with Hamas, it is after all Hamas that launched their obscene terrorist attacking from within this highly populated area and it is Hamas that is now hiding amongst the people of this highly populated area. Hamas absolutely knew Israel would respond with military actions. Perhaps Hamas don’t care if Palestinians are killed, or rather hope that Palestinian are killed for some twisted propaganda objectives. Or maybe Hamas didn’t even think to consider if Palestinians would wind up being killed. Get back to us when Hamas have explained.
  2. Absolutely nothing justifies the atrocities inflicted by Hamas on innocent people in this attack. Nor is there any justification for taking hostages. Nor is there any justification for threatening to execute hostages in retaliation for anything. These are obscenities and they are Hamas’ obscenities. Let me know if that’s not clear.
  3. And Hamas? Undertaking a terrorist attacking on Israeli civilians that they absolutely knew would result in an Israeli military response. What responsibility do you assign to Hamas?
  4. You need to go resit basic Christian teachings.
  5. It’s a question Hamas should have asked of themselves before they attacked Israeli civilians. Hamas absolutely knew there would be an Israeli counter attack, so how many dead Palestinians did Hamas think would be acceptable? Did they care? Or did they calculate dead Palestinians as a useful statistic in some twisted propaganda campaign? The moment Hamas attacked the deaths of Palestinians was assured. So go ask Hamas.
  6. In the obvious propaganda war that follows the Hamas attack it’s difficult to discern whether you are trying to promote the interests of the innocent victims or simply using the attack as a pretext to stoke even more hatred.
  7. The Intelligence Services didn’t see it coming. Now we know with certainty who was funding it and what were their motives?
  8. And in this conflict, civilians were deliberately and indiscriminately targeted in the certain knowledge that those terrorist murders would result in a military response that in turn would result in deaths amongst the host population within which the terrorists are ‘shielding’ themselves. Hamas knew that their terrorist attack would result in the deaths of Palestinians. They either didn’t care, didn’t do the math or they did do the math and regard the death of Palestinians in the certain Israeli response to be acceptable, perhaps in some twisted propaganda sense desirable.
  9. I don’t need to defend him against out of context edited videos and whatever sordid imaginings you yourself dream up. Here it is, you dreaming up what you guess is acceptable to Joe’s mind. Black snd white, it all came out of your own head. Your guesses, are by definition your thoughts. Not thoughts I’d want going on in my own head, but I’m not fixated on these same things.
  10. Yep more out of context and fixated misrepresentation of nothing at all worth bothering with. What you ‘guess would be acceptable in Joe’s mind’ is by definition something that comes from your own mind. How much more obvious does that get?!
  11. I have neither expertise nor obsession in these matters. I do know that the subject video was edited to remove context. You know that too, but you ignore it.
  12. I believe in parental responsibility, I hope you do too. In this day and age it’s very wise to extend that to what our children get up to ‘online’.
  13. When you make statements like “When someone in a powerful position tells you they are a Paedophile, believe them. ” You need to come up with evidence of them doing so. Not your own ‘Paedo Obsessed’ interpretation of out of context remarks from a video that has been edited with the intent to remove context.
  14. “Just like Saville did.” For goodness sake Jonny, get a grip and wind in your Hyperbole.
  15. Oh, you missed the bit about the clip being edited to put the statement completely out of context. Of course you didn’t, you just ignored the fact.
  16. Reasonable precautions. Ranting about closing US Borders not so reasonable.
  17. You are letting the fear and angst you’ve been fed get the better of you.
  18. For perhaps the 8th time of asking, if you are dishing out honors where can I get my badge?
  19. And many of those people were not Israeli or Jewish. Hamas attacked whatever and whoever were unfortunate to be in range of their randomly aimed rockets and let out of control forces.
  20. Just because you can make up some utter nonsense doesn’t mean anyone, let alone the President of the US, needs to apologize for anything whatsoever. Well, maybe your parents….
  21. This might be informative: https://theconversation.com/antisemitism-isnt-just-jew-hatred-its-anti-jewish-racism-193614
  22. Can you tell us which ‘elements of the left’ invade Israel this week? And can you please provide examples of anyone at all in this thread supporting the atrocities you referred to: Who in this thread has justified that Jonny?
  23. It’s got nothing to do with ‘the Left’ Jonny, or the Nazis. The suffering of the people who have been subjected to atrocities is not a stick handed to you to go off on one of your customary anti left rants. Their suffering is not your political capital, and absolutely no one here is justifying or defending these atrocities.
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