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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. No Labels. Well certainly no admitting who’s funding them. “Most of the funding for No Labels’ 2024 project remains secret, as this group that claims to be addressing popular disenchantment continues to use the same-old tactics of big-money politics and keeps the voters in the dark.” Well Yeh! https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/06/no-labels-exposed-heres-a-list-of-donors-funding-its-effort-to-disrupt-the-2024-race/
  2. They don’t need grounds to attempt such a thing and they have McCarthy by the ‘one vote to call confidence’ nuts, They do of course need evidence to pull it off and they don’t have any. It’s all toothless theater to distract from the real crimes and real trials. Pity the Republicans didn’t take either of the two impeachment opportunities they had, they did not and now they are bound head to toe with a heavyweight crook who’s about to be tossed into the pond of Justice. Going down with him, it’s the choice they made.
  3. Hardliners = one lunatic and one inveterate liar facing ever increasing legal problems. Marjorie Taylor Green and Matt Gaetz for goodness sake. Whatever happened to the GOP?
  4. I see you’ve bought the accusation confession line. The accusation of Biden sensory ramped up after Trump was rushed into the Walter Reed in the middle of the night to be administered the Montreal Cognitive Assessments Test, it’s a confession there is something seriously wrong with Trump.
  5. Nor is any of it an excuse for Abbas’ deliberately offensive and inflammatory antisemitic statements. Regardless of some wishing it to be so. There is no excuse for antisemitism.
  6. Biden’s infrastructure investment, like all infrastructure investment is fir long term objectives. Protecting the American economy against the fluctuation in oil prices due to a foreign nation’s war seems a pretty clear strategic decision to me.
  7. Nonsense. I’ve never said 1, or 2 therefore I can’t possibly have said 3. I’ve not expressed any of my views on Palestine or Israel, well, not in this thread. Because doing so would be off topic.
  8. It might be more than 50% if they ever need to urgently get into hospital or see a doctor. The ‘winter NHS crisis’ is already off to an early start. ‘350,000,000 per week, let’s give that to the NHS’ Or stuff it in the pockets of Ministerial Cronies?!
  9. We should have a thread on that. In the past we have, and in those threads I have commented.
  10. Because that’s not the subject of discussion. Feel free to request a thread on the topic.
  11. Refer to top of thread for topic. If someone posts antisemitism, I see no reason not to call it out. I have not called you personally an antisemite.
  12. There’s probably a good reason for your ignorance, I’ll be kind and suggest it’s not deliberate.
  13. You are consistently attempting to excuse Abbas’ deliberately offensive and inflammatory antisemitic statements with off topic arguments, refer my italicized extract of your post. Antisemitism existed before the Israeli State and therefore the Israeli State didn’t have to even exist, let alone do anything for Jews to suffer antisemitism. Deal with the topic of discussion: “Outrage over Abbas's antisemitic speech on Jews and Holocaust” And quit with excusing antisemitism.
  14. None of them are running the country into the ground. Although one have it his best shot until voters put a stop to him.
  15. How so, Pelosi isn’t even a baby boomer. But do let your hate flow, it makes your arguments so much more compelling.
  16. We should have a thread on this. Meanwhile: “Stop treating humans inhumanly and you’ll find most of the negativity will disappear overnight.” Both and at the same time historically false and excusionist. Not your finest moment.
  17. Since when was Pelosi a socialist of any flavor? Are getting your catchphrases mixed up in the wrong threads?
  18. Nothing like a bit of raging ageism to get your bike up of a morning.
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