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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Making unfounded accusations of criminal activity is a serious matter. People being accused without evidence of serious crimes, particularly sexual crimes against a young person, is definitely something I find concerning.
  2. Not so quickly, we can now look forward to the consequences for those making false accusations of serious crime.
  3. How many are under criminal investigation, indictment or already convicted?
  4. Because I don’t care, the alleged victim’s lawyers says it’s all made there was no wrongdoing.
  5. Abstains is one vote, voting with the opposition is two votes in their favor.
  6. Who cares about the gender of a victim whom is by the admission of their own lawyer not a victim of wrong doing? Without evidence of a crime then the real victims here are the BBC and the male employees of the BBC maligned by a baseless accusation. But then perhaps that was the whole intention.
  7. How did you wedge honesty into this. Being ill tempered at failing staff had absolutely nothing to do with honesty, other than being honest about one’s disappointment at their failure to perform up to expectations.
  8. In the absence of ketchup splatted on the walls of the Oval Office I say this is a nothing burger.
  9. Being angry at someone for failing to do their job is not talking down or disrespecting them. Unless of course you think people who fail to keep the President they work for should be given hugs for not keeping him informed.
  10. SDNY Press Release: https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/us-attorney-announces-charges-against-co-director-think-tank-acting-unregistered
  11. But this isn’t about Jimmy Saville Johnny, The Sun’s accusations are false, or to use the word’s of the alleged victim’s lawyers, rubbish.
  12. I get it Johnny I do, The Sun got your hopes up, but once again Murdoch’s rightwing mouthpiece was lying. The Sun let you down Johnny, I understand it’s a bit of a blow.
  13. Oh dear, it turns out the whole ‘Sun Exclusive’ was a pile of tosh. But you got to insert ‘virtue signaling’ into the thread, so be happy. Perhaps the lesson here is another Rupert Murdoch rightwing rag is caught telling outrageous and defamatory porkies. An example of precisely why the BBC should not be handed over to the self serving billionaires running most of the UK’s media.
  14. Affirmative Action isn’t the topic of this thread. “Legacy admissions: Harvard accused of favouring mostly white students”
  15. Then you expected this too: https://www.theguardian.com/media/live/2023/jul/10/bbc-investigation-suspended-presenter-police-latest-updates
  16. “but the majority of those that have faced legal challenges haven’t held up in court, ”
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