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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Expert on police investigations now are we? Let’s make a distinction. In the past covered up, in the present (your claim) covering up. If you are claiming ‘covering up’, and you are, you need to back up your claim. Firstly, why is it the duty of an employer to name an employee who is baselessly accused of illegal activities?
  2. Hang on a minute. An employee is accused by the gutter press without basis of committing a crime, and you want the employer to name the employee?! And when they don’t you accuse them of a cover up. I don’t think you’ve thought that through. Perhaps your oft posted visceral hatred of the BBC is blinding your judgment.
  3. Hardly surprising given the hate campaign the Sun is running. And look who rising to the Sun’s call to get the hate on.
  4. A pattern is emerging. You’ve jumped to conclusions that turnout to be baseless so you now switch to an accusation of conspiracy within the BBC and Police while hitting your keyboard shortcut to insert ‘woke’ into the thread. It might have been better to not jump to unsubstantiated assumptions in the first place. Or, heaven forbid, admit you were wrong.
  5. And you know this how? Perhaps the Government should get on with reviewing the claims for asylum, pass the rightful claimants so they can start earning a living in the economy short of workers and deport those who fail assessment?! Or maybe not clearing the backlog is more useful for a Government failing on all fronts.
  6. Agree. Though I chose to live in Leiden and party in Amsterdam. Adding to your list: Fine beers, museums and art galleries, Dutch social culture, and arguably the best burgers on the planet. A wonderful part of the world.
  7. Perhaps a missed opportunity for Sunak to get tough and demand the US immediately accept a UK/US trade deal replete with terms favorable to the UK.
  8. I suspect members amongst the junior partner are over egging their importance in the relationship.
  9. I don’t recognize any deterioration at all in US/UK relationships and I pay close attention to the matter. The UK is in a weaker position than has been the case in past years but I’m at a loss to see how that’s Biden’s fault. The UK and US can, at least after Biden taking office, both be very rightly proud of their support for Ukraine, minor disagreements do not distract from that fact. And let’s be honest, the President has shown nothing but respect for the Monarch, it was not always so.
  10. The UK is the junior partner and way back behind other more significant partners. The US will get around to a US/UK trade agreement eventually, maybe. I thought this had been explained very many times. Even Truss grasped this truth.
  11. Nothing to do with JoeBiden. ” States which have ethnic disputes or external territorial disputes, including irredentist claims, or internal jurisdictional disputes must settle those disputes by peaceful means in accordance with OSCE principles. Resolution of such disputes would be a factor in determining whether to invite a state to join the Alliance.” https://www.nato.int/docu/basictxt/enl-9502.htm
  12. He’s not ‘missing’, he’s on the lam. He’s not ‘a witness’ he’s an indicted suspect of felony crimes.
  13. You are confusing the BBC’s role and responsibilities as journalists with the BBC’s role and responsibility as an employer. Perhaps innocently so.
  14. I think the BBC, as an employer, should have made a police report as soon as allegations were made. I believe that The Sun, as a newspaper, should have made a police report as soon as they came into possession of evidence and if they have evidence that should have been presented to the police.
  15. I personally believe the correct body to investigate allegations of sexual abuse is the police, but an accusation is not guilt and the BBC would be right such serious accusation to the police regardless of whether or not they have seen evidence to back up the allegation. But don’t let that stop you wandering into the well trodden path of ‘no smoke without fire’.
  16. Seems to me like you find it more of an uncomfortable truth.
  17. Ah but not the victim of a major newspaper publishing extremely serious allegations without presenting any evidence. As I said above, I suspect there’s a great deal of twitching going on at The Sun right now, it certainly has earned the tag ‘Gutter Press’. And not just at The Sun, a number of people were eager to post names with implicit or implied accusations on social media. Perhaps the chance for some Justice to be dished out for those happy to libel others.
  18. Families are often messy things, but I doubt the ‘so called victim’ will be able to file suit for libel.
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