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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The ‘Space Karen’ objects to people he fired going to work for a competitor. Perhaps he should have engaged his reputed intellect before firing them and trolling them on their way out the door: https://deadline.com/2023/02/twitter-staffers-fired-over-weekend-owner-elon-musk-tweets-hope-you-have-a-good-sunday-1235273068/amp/
  2. Nevertheless, a source of information many outside of Russia have chosen to rely on.
  3. Let me once again give you a pointer to help you get back on topic. Refer top of thread: “Legacy admissions: Harvard accused of favouring mostly white students”
  4. Getting you back on topic: Of the 31 million Americans aged between 18 and 24, just 68,000 are Ivy League schools undergraduates — about a fifth of a per cent. So 0.219% of all Americans get to Ivy League. 43% of Harvard’s annual intake are via ALDC, Athletics, Legacy, Dean’s List and Children of faculty staff. The athletics route is includes LaCross, Sailing and Rowing, fine sports but not open to all. Legacy, mummy or daddy went to Harvard, Dean’s list mummy or daddy wrote a fat cheque, Children of faculty staff, doesn’t include children of all other staff. 100%-43% = 57% therefore 57% of 0.219% is 0.125% of young Americans. Let’s pretend it’s a tiny number of Black and Hispanic students who benefit from affirmative action that is blocking access to the 99.875% of Americans who will never get their without privileged access via mummy and daddy. https://www.ft.com/content/955ab1bb-f3d6-48a6-bba4-3c59fa5e47bd?accessToken=zwAF_-BxAWfgkdOVWrG789ZIptO7pDxZ-l5HvQ.MEUCIFiNWqKz6Vszr0-P4VQwK9y-u_OixBfawydc3Ak0VhT_AiEAnthICCL0rZhuh8IZcTvrASYSiFPlDwkdwVMheGjswIA&sharetype=gift&token=a60cbcfd-e757-4622-8d0a-5c7f7f042dc5
  5. I‘m neither an African or Hispanic American nor a person who feels he has the knowledge or experience to assert, as you do: “There is no reason that African Americans and Hispanics cannot emulate what recent immigrants do.” Your self-assured pontification on the matter is noted, if only for being consistent with your posting history,
  6. Because they are recent immigrants. The fact recent immigrants, regardless of race, frequently outperform established citizens is well documented. Sorry if this upsets your perforative view of particular race groups and your long expressed views of immigrants to the US. https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/nurturing-resilience/201910/why-do-immigrants-outperform-native-born-americans?amp https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/immigrants-outperform-native-born-americans-two-key-measures-financial-success-n1020291
  7. A bit like politicians making decisions on what medical procedures may or may not be performed.
  8. The utterances of other politicians are not the topic of discussion.
  9. I’m not a cocaine user so must ask. Do cocaine users usually leave their drugs lying around in places accessed by countless people to be easily found?
  10. Call me when Biden brags he shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose support.
  11. Trump’s hysterical innuendo sounds an awful lot like that accusation confession thing of his.
  12. You need to be a bit more precise on who it is you are referring to.
  13. I can think of a number of laws to get all outraged and affronted over, this isn’t one of them. Not by a very long way is this a law I have any problem with.
  14. I confess, I gave a sigh of relief when my kids ignored being pointed at the Ivy League and chose instead to opt for Russel Group and LERU. Ivy League might give a young person a great head start, but it far too often comes at a ridiculously exorbitant cost to their parents.
  15. The specific US Federal law: https://www.justice.gov/criminal-ceos/extraterritorial-sexual-exploitation-children
  16. “Small businesses and manufacturers are warning that federal environmental regulations targeting certain chemicals will have a widespread negative impact on the economy.” More precisely, removing a chemical with serious health risks might have a negative impact on profits.
  17. An actual serious danger to children is under ‘House Arrest’. Not a lot of joined up thinking going on.
  18. He didn’t just buy’ the original, he paid way over the price to buy Twitter and he used a large wad of money belonging to a Saudi Arabian Prince to do so. Now his/their investment has a competitor on the horizon. Free market loving right-wingers are struggling with how to respond while keeping all their credibility intact.
  19. Come James, lighten up, competition is a good thing. Unless of course it’s competition against the Billionaire ‘Space Karen’ who you thought was going to champion the fight against those you disagree with.
  20. Sneak him out to the Walter Reid Memorial Hospital in the middle of the night, administer the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test and never admit why. It’s the done thing.
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