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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Of course, but that won’t get through to those wedded to seething grievance fed conspiracies.
  2. Ha! News programs gathering and checking facts before broadcasting, rather than simply posting stuff on Twitter. Goodness the stuff that triggers grievance.
  3. So you too feel the need to parade your ignorance of law and governance. Banana republic, the kind of places where once elected politicians then set about disregarding the law.
  4. Do you have evidence that anyone delayed reporting this as long as they could or is this you making up another conspiracy?
  5. The Government were not elected to act outwith the law. Holding a Government accountable to the laws enacted by Democratically elected Governments is Democratic.
  6. Once again you parade your ignorance of how law and governance work. The Rwanda Scheme infringes numerous laws and international treaties. It’s not simply a matter of changing the law. How the unlikely possibility of a tiny fraction of immigrants being sent to Rwanda will deter people who have already demonstrated their willingness to face extreme risks is a mystery.
  7. Your statement on the efficacy of a policy that is currently ruled unlawful is an baseless assumption. Your second paragraph is an ad hominem.
  8. The Government now and for the past 14 years is a Tory Government. Well last time I looked.
  9. Which of these ‘Champagne socialists’ you bang on about have any control whatsoever over UK borders or the enforcement of UK immigration laws? If the answer is zero then are we to assume you are blaming the wrong people?
  10. Perhaps the over £100,000,000 spent on the doomed from the start Rwanda scheme, would have been better spent on fighting criminal gangs.
  11. Are we still pretending that the Rwanda scheme will have any impact on immigrants crossing the channel in small boats?
  12. Oh look, more baseless claims and of course blaming Labour. Sorry Johnny, 14 years of Tory Government. It is without question that it is the Tories who have lost control of the UK’s borders.
  13. The idiocy is clear. Rwanda is, we are told, both and simultaneously, a horrible place that the mere chance of being sent there will deter ‘the boats’ and a lovely safe place to send asylum seekers. It takes a special kind of stupid to hold those two things on your head and not conclude someone is telling lies.
  14. ‘Playing into the hand of right wing groups’ and then you launch into an anti ‘left wing woke mob’. You might want to consider the posit hat the whole doomed Tory policy is not at all intended to address immigration but designed to distract the public from the ever growing litany of Tory failures. The ‘Rwanda’ scheme is an agreement to ‘exchange’ asylum seekers, with Rwanda sending asylum seekers to the UK. It’s already cost well over a hundred million of tax payers pounds and will continue to cost more millions with zero impact on immigration. It does get right wingers wound up into an ‘anti left woke mob’ rant while blinding to the Government’s failures. You’re being played and you are willingly playing your part.
  15. Biden is simply enjoying his freedom to roam, a freedom that is, at least not for him, under threat.
  16. It’s not as if Austrian Nazis were ever a problem is it?!
  17. The reason the UK are ‘putting up’ these ‘illegal immigrants’ is because the UK Government has failed to manage asylum assessment and clearance. Result, people claiming asylum are not being processed at anywhere near an acceptable rate, the Government fix for this was remove the definition of required processing time. Outcome genuine asylum seekers are not being cleared and allowed to earn their own living in the UK, while bogus asylum seekers are not being identified and removed. Nobody objects to bogus asylum seekers being removed. The question to be asked is why have the Government spent time and money on their Rwanda scheme, which they were warned would break UK and international law instead of fixing the asylum claim assessment and removal of bogus claimants?
  18. Correct. This from the BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-66051292.amp Perhaps Sunak would be better advised to reinstate a functioning Asylum assessment scheme, the current one having been deliberately stripped of the budget and resources it needs to operate. Genuine asylum seekers might ten be removed from expensive detention and put to work in the economy which needs workers while those failing assessment can be removed from expensive detention and legally deported. Cost savings in the provision of detention, workers provided for the economy, illegal migrants legally removed and the UK’s obligations to international treaties complied with. Not a win win, but a win win win win.
  19. Parliament does indeed make laws and Parliament may amend or repeal laws, but once a law is enacted it applied to all, including to Parliament and Government. Parliament nor Government may not act outwith the law.
  20. That’s not how the law works whoever told you it is was lying to you. Parliament is subject to the laws Parliament enacts.
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