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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. That’s an option some would take I’m sure. But what would you do with the money?
  2. ‘Impossible’ Lots of things were impossible until someone decided to get them done.
  3. Lawfully expressing their opinions on a matter relating to mass killings of Americans is wasting time?
  4. Good attempt at trying to wedge your off topic Gender fixation into this thread.
  5. He’s already give. Up the USA, what else has he got to offer?!
  6. I agree. I would start with laws to recording all violent convictions in a ‘non gun ownership’ register and a law to temporarily remove guns from anyone who receives a contact with the police wrt violent crimes - People arrested, cautioned, indicted but not yet convicted and all households in which a domestic violence police call out occurs. We know these groups of people are high on the gun violence statistics, take their guns. Leave law abiding gun owners alone.
  7. If you can follow the gun control debate you’ll understand it’s not about hyperbole arguments of taking every law abiding citizen’s guns. It’s about gun controls, making sure people who are a danger don’t get guns. Including keeping guns out of the hands of violent criminals.
  8. If the State locks them up, then of course the State incurs the cost. But why lock up people who want to work when the economy is short of workers? This however is not the issue, DeSantis is engaged in people trafficking, good luck to Newsom bring the people trafficker to Justice.
  9. Smart move to do the research now. AI is already stripping jobs out, if AI lives up to expectations it’s going to put millions out of work. How to deal with mass permanent removal of jobs across all sectors of the economy is going yo need solutions. Universal income is one, changes to taxation of businesses making vast profits in societies while employing very few people is going to be another.
  10. "If you come here illegally, you will be detained and removed within weeks either to your home country or a safe third country, like Rwanda." Putting aside sending anyone who’s not Rwandan to Rwanda, I don’t know anyone who disagrees with with this reassertion of the long existing policy, though it’s a policy that hadn’t been actually enacted on any scale for over a decade. The UK has every right to remove people who enter the UK illegally. However, it is not illegal to enter the UK to seek asylum. The Government have failed in their duty to detain migrants, filter out asylum seekers from non asylum seekers, provide asylum seekers their rights and let them settle, get to work and provide the UK economy workers to the UK economy needs, while deporting those ruled non asylum seekers. It’s all a mess of the Government’s own making, they’re lost control of the UK’s borders and they’ve dismantled the UK’s asylum assessment process to the point it no longer functions.
  11. I don’t suppose the Daily Mail gave an explanation of how ‘allowing Biden to seek re-election’ is ‘malpractice’? Which particular clause within regulations governing medical practice cover Doctors having any say beyond their citizen’s vote as to May or may not run for POTUS.
  12. Good news. Biden negotiating from a position of strength and coordinated Economic Diplomatic, Military and Executive policies. I’m guessing he won’t be saluting any Chinese generals.
  13. It’s not Government’s that have gutted town and cities in the west, it’s unfettered corporate greed.
  14. It’s hardly pointless, it’s another example of the public’s views on the negative impacts they are experiencing from Brexit. Which is why Brexiteers are throwing up so much whataboutary.
  15. Yes, millions are digital lily excluded, especially within the groups I mentioned, but not all. 1529 is a very good sample size to accurately gauge the opinions of a population the size of the UK’s. https://www.qualtrics.com/blog/calculating-sample-size/
  16. So you chose to tell us how you don’t understand statistical sampling.
  17. Let me help you with your filing: ”Brexit blamed for rising food prices by a majority of voters, poll shows”
  18. They can blame whoever they wish and we can discuss it in the topic on that subject.
  19. The US are asserting the rights of free passage in international water. We know you’re not anti ‘China’, we got that.
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