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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. They weren’t bowing to public pressure, British Cycling has been investigating and reviewing this matter well before the right wing culture warriors picked it up.
  2. Those church preachers, they so often have their own special way with kids. What could possibly go wrong.
  3. Who knew. But did you read the OP? British Cycling have just banded Transgender (male to female) from competing in women’s events in the UK. Not much relevance to Doi Suthep. But good news to see the UK’s governing body making a considered ruling to address a societal change.
  4. If you believe athletes go thorough gender transition to win medals, I doubt anything I have to say on the matter will change your mind.
  5. O-Lordy there are tapes. A juggernaut of Justice is about to hit Trump square on. Brace yourselves, the brown stuff is going to fly.
  6. Nonsense. But if it gives you hope of winning a medal who am I to shot down your dream.
  7. Less than half a dozen, and only one currently competing elite transgender cyclist. There is of course Pippa York, who was disgracefully hounded by the Daily Mail. Pippa no longer competes, but received a standing ovation from a packed crowd at the National Cycling Center when she attended as a spectator at the Olympic Games. Pippa remains hugely respected and admired within the cycling community. I recommend Matt Stevens - The Cafe Ride Episode 12 - Pippa York. Well done British Cycling for responding after consultation and considered review.
  8. So for the record. Will you accept the jury’s verdict which ever way it goes. I will, will you?
  9. Who told you Trump ‘can’t be got’? Bannon is facing Justice for his crimes, Trump is facing Justice for his crimes. The only difference is Trump has a lot more ‘Justice’ ahead of him.
  10. As I’ve said all along, it is for the sports governing boddies to address this. A handful of elite transgender cyclists will now need to have their own category. No big deal, as a life long competitive cyclist I’ve always ridden in categorized events. I also have no doubt mixed category events will continue as they have since the 1930s. British Cycling is responding correctly to a societal change, following consultation and review, not knee jerk reactions.
  11. Excellent response from Sheryl, especially the point on bringing a treatment summery from tryout Thailand doctor with you. One point to add, carry your meds in your carryon luggage and if you can a week’s supply actually on your person. If your meds go missing during your journey you might face difficulty getting a prompt replacement.
  12. And the people who don’t drive are predominantly those on low incomes, people with disabilities and the old.
  13. How does that impact the lives of people living in the UK?
  14. I didn’t say it must happen. Inflation is higher than expectations, there is UK Guilt interest rates are up, there is pressure to increase base interest rates. All widely reported in the news, refer links I provided above.
  15. 2023 is turning out to be a vintage year for Justice. And there’s more to come.
  16. Overt interference in Justice. Any person indicted will have the possibility of a De Santis pardon in mind when faced with their options to cooperate and give testimony.
  17. Indeed revision is likely. The IMF are very likely to revise their latest forecasts downwards in the light of disappointing news of ‘sticky inflation’, UK guilt prices, increasing interest rates with pressure on higher interest rates increasing: https://www.ft.com/content/abc452d4-a06c-4140-888a-cd1454c311c5 https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uk-inflation-rate-falls-87-april-ons-2023-05-24/
  18. Here’s an overview of inflation on foods, goods and services: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/may/24/uk-inflation-which-goods-and-services-have-risen-most-in-price
  19. Brexit was predicated on something similar to forecasts ‘empty promises’. Not a ‘sunlit upland’ in sight. Although some here say wait another 30 or 50 years. Farage clearly thinks Brexit has failed, he’s blaming the Tories. I wonder who all those people who changed their normal vote to Tory are going to blame? I’m very much looking forward to the next General Election.
  20. The benefit of me making a typo is it gives you the chance to pick it up and be right about something.
  21. From the article I linked: “The Retained EU Law (REUL) Bill was introduced under Liz Truss and Jacob Rees-Mogg with the intention of removing all EU legislation from the UK by the end of 2023” It ain’t happening in 2023 and the next parliamentary session is the run up to the election. It ain’t happening. More to the point, Brexit supporters within the Government and Parliament are in no position to do anything about it. Yet another Brexit fail.
  22. Let’s get back to this when we get to the election and no more than a handful of irrelevant regulations have been removed.
  23. If it’s not happening during this parliamentary session it’s not happening. Next parliamentary session is the run up to the election. https://news.sky.com/story/amp/uk-government-scraps-plan-to-replace-all-eu-laws-by-the-end-of-2023-12877854 D
  24. Brexit is already dead in the water. Sunak (the first actual Brexiteer PM) negotiated and signed the Windsor Framework, which is in direct conflict with the demands of the Brexit extremists of the ERG. The ERG’s response was zilch, well a lot of whinging, but they were unable to challenge Sunak. Since then Sunak has binned the ERG plan (Rees Mogg’s idiot idea) to remove 4000 so called ‘EU laws’. Once again the ERG and Brexiteers were unable to challenge Sunak. Brexit has past its zenith, the inflection point was the signing of the Windsor Framework. The next election is almost certainly going to see the end of Tory Government, non of the Progressive Parties are promoting Brexit or any policy that is remotely Brexit. Brexit is dead in the water. Farage knows Brexit is dead in the water, he’s simply stating the obvious while trying to blame the failure on anyone except Brexit itself. https://www.centrefortheunion.co.uk/post/the-erg-response-to-the-windsor-framework
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