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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. People in the UK are not looking at their household bills and comparing them with those of some distant EU family. They are discussing the cost of living increases with friends and families or even with strangers in the check-out queue. Refer the conclusion many have come to at the top of this thread.
  2. People voted on a promise of lower prices. Give them excuses when millions can’t afford to eat regular meals, you know they want to hear them.
  3. The rate of inflation anywhere else in the world is irrelevant. Families in Britain are paying the prices in Britain. Rees-Mogg and others made the Brexit promise that Brexit would deliver lower food prices. Rees-Mogg was lying, it was a Brexit lie. People have noticed.
  4. I didn’t intend ‘to prove anything’. I simply provided factual evidence of Rees-Mogg, a Brexit leading light, stating Brexit would reduce the price of food on the UK. Brexit has happened and the price of food in the UK has increased significantly. Reality has exposed Rees-Mogg’s Brexit lie, I had absolutely no part in the lie being made or proven to be a lie.
  5. Let’s remove any doubt. Here’s the relevant Brexit lie: https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/831450/Jacob-Rees-Mogg-Brexit-food-wine-clothes-shoes-lower-20-per-cent/amp
  6. ฿10,000 is the price to do their job. I presume the price not to do their job is a little higher.
  7. I’ve never heard anyone claim criminals obey the law. Go on, admit it, you made that nonsense up.
  8. Wrong Trump legal jeopardy, but understandable given there are so many to choose from.
  9. If Rowan gets in touch I’ll lend him a bicycle. I’m in the late stages of buying an ‘e-cargo bike’. I say ‘late stages’ because I always spend months researching buying vehicles, bikes included. I took a test ride on an ‘e-bike’ last Tuesday, I’m convinced they could be the transport solution for very many people. In the meanwhile, I’ll make do with shanks’ pony and public transport, though perhaps not a solution for such well known people as Atkinson.
  10. It’s a rightwing invention of their culture wars promoted instead of presenting real policies that are not based on fear, hatred or grievance.
  11. Call her what you want, she’s not an insurrectionist. Nor is any true Patriot.
  12. Don’t disappear, there’s a whole lot of fun yet to be had.
  13. Biden and the Democrats got almost everything they wanted in the budget negotiations, despite not holding a majority in Congress, Republican blackmail threats to force a debt default came to nothing. Biden tripped, he fell, he got up, dusted himself down and got back on with the job. McCarthy on the other hand, wandered around aimlessly making a lot of noise, and couldn’t hold his own Party Majority in-line, what a mess the GOP have become.
  14. The existence of an individual’s mental health, crisis or otherwise, is very rightfully a matter between each individual and their doctor(s). Not something for broad generalized assumptions by politicians and religious extremists engaged in culture war mongering.
  15. No you did not mention a crisis, you interjected into my challenge to James105 who assets a mental health crisis.
  16. Where mental health resides is not in question. Where is the evidence of a mental health crisis?
  17. You’ve posted three links to extensive arguments presenting conflicting points. Perhaps you’d like to pick the point you are trying to make.
  18. SEGM about as dodgy pseudo science as it comes, but strong in rightwing Christian propaganda.
  19. I wouldn’t call it anything without verifiable evidence and a professional medical diagnosis. But then I’m not engaged in kicking down on transgender kids.
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