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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. He could hardly say otherwise could he. Otherwise he’d have to admit his part in the damage Brexit has done and continues to do to the UK. He could however help out by keeping his earlier promise to go live abroad if Brexit fails.
  2. And with good reason. Farage does indeed ‘have some pull’. He gained the trust of millions of people who voted for Brexit, I seem to recall comments on this forum calling for him to be knighted or elevated to the Lords. So when Farage says ‘Brexit has failed’ and he did say ‘Brexit has failed’, millions of people who voted Brexit hear him. I’m guess quite a few were thinking the same thing themselves. ‘Brexit has failed’ is certainly being widely and openly discussed.
  3. Hang on a minute, Johnson said he had an oven ready deal. Was he lying?
  4. And Boris Johnson with his unassailable majority handed to him on the promise ‘to get Brexit done’ somehow conspired against Brexit. It boggles the mind.
  5. I haven’t suggested there are many laws to be changed (or to be more precise, repealed). That’s a Brexiteer idea, but oddly when asked which particular laws need to be repealed and why, no Brexiteer can give an example. This despite the fact Brexiteers have claimed 4000 or do such laws exist.
  6. Here’s three words for you: ‘Brexit has failed’.
  7. The one that’s holding the syringe.
  8. I’d prefer a nurse who is qualified, experienced and paid enough so she can focus on the job rather than worry about not being able to pay her bills.
  9. Careful, you’re gonna get you self a ‘Brit Hater/Brit Basher’ badge.
  10. But but but Brexit handed full control over the UK’s borders back to the UK Government. And Sunak was definitely a full on Brexiteer. Maybe somebody told a porky and Brexit would not reduce immigration.
  11. Maybe this is what Farage had in mind: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/may/25/uk-net-migration-record-high-despite-tory-promises-cut-arrivals
  12. Farage is very clear on what Brexit is, Brexit is a failure.
  13. The OBR estimates a 4% hit to GDP from Brexit. Not my idea of a success, why even Farage says ‘Brexit has failed’. https://obr.uk/forecasts-in-depth/the-economy-forecast/brexit-analysis/#assumptions
  14. The only thing I recognize is your resort to your self stroking grievance. If Target want to sell T-Shirts with dumb stuff written on them, and there are people dumb enough to buy them, I’m good with it. If the same people want to broadcast their stupidity by wearing these T-shirts, I’m good with that too. Though I would suggest they do wear them to job interviews, or indeed anywhere they wish to make a positive impression.
  15. Your linked article is behind a paywall.
  16. Of course, it was the Remainers’ fault. Farage is only right about one thing. Brexit has failed.
  17. So what’s this about ‘Brexit has failed’? And why is the UK the only G7 nation not to have recovered its economy to pre-pandemic levels?
  18. Two points. Firstly the right to express an opinion does not extend to making threats. There are no ‘rights to express opinions’ while within somebody else’s business premises. The business owner might permit the expression of opinions but there is no right to express opinions, the business owners may at any time withdraw permission to express opinions within their business premises without infringing any rights.
  19. If you don’t like the answer you get or don’t get to a question you ask, stop asking the question. I can get through most days without asking questions I won’t like the answer/non answer to, I’n almost sure you can too.
  20. I’d have no problem with that at all. If someone wants to buy such a T-shirt and wear it in public I’d have no problem with that either. Now can you explain this double standard you referred to?
  21. Their choice. Do you have a problem with businesses making their own decisions?
  22. The limits of protest do not extend to making threats. Don’t fret, I’m sure Target understand their customer base.
  23. They need to be entitled to sell it before they can sell it to make money. Why that needs explaining is a mystery.
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