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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Because we have real historical record, real testimony of those involved and real testimony of the few survivors. It’s known as the ‘historical record’.
  2. Did the Nazis round up Jews and Roma from cities, towns and villages across the territories they invaded and transport them to the death camps? Did they do this over a period of months and years? So not ‘prisoners of war’, not something nobody had a plan for. Deliberate and systematic genocide. Just like the real historical record, real testimony of those involved and real testimony of the few survivors tell us.
  3. Did I say that’s what he claimed? Here’s what he said: “In 1941, they [the NAZIS] launched a war where they were completely unprepared to deal with the millions and millions of prisoners of war, of local political prisoners,” “They [The NAZIS] went in with no plan for that and just threw these people into camps. And millions of people ended up dead there,” Statements that miss the fact the NAZIS absolutely did have a plan to murder the Jews, the Roma and the other victims of the Holocaust. Statements that miss the fact that the NAZIS did not capture Jews and Roma as ‘prisoners of war’ but systematically pursued them over months and years in the territories the NAZIS captured, rounding them up, not from battle fields but from cities, towns and villages across Europe and transporting them to the death camps. These are historical facts. And yet some choose to defend the filthy lies of a Nazi apologist and Holocaust denier. https://m.jpost.com/international/article-818792
  4. I’m sure the vile Nazi apologists and Holocaust denier appreciates your support for the filth he is spreads. What hill to die on!
  5. I didn’t sign up to agree with anyone in anything. I suggest you in your faux outrage.
  6. There’s nothing stupid about recognizing Nazi apologia and Holocaust denial for what they are, or indeed who it that they attract and enroll as defenders of the lies and hatred at their core. Although I do accept this filth has its admirers.
  7. Did you think listening to a guy engaging in Nazi apologia and the fabricated lie that is Holocaust denial might offer some kind of enlightenment?
  8. Why would Carlson interrupt a Nazi apologist and Holocaust denier? It’s bang center of his own USP.
  9. No I did not. I’m not interested in the lies of a Nazi apologist Holocaust denier.
  10. I wonder if the minority Opposition party will put a stop to this. I hear it’s a thing.
  11. Which you could substantiate with some facts, and links if you had any. An ill conceived policy that was bound from the onset to fail. Hundreds of £millions of tax payers money pished away with absolutely no benefit to the nation. Brought to you by a Government with a massive majority in Parliament. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/nov/15/rwanda-plan-tatters-defeat-undermines-entire-tory-project https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/commentaries/qa-the-uks-policy-to-send-asylum-seekers-to-rwanda/
  12. He hasn’t been ‘banned’. If you don’t understand why Jones lost then you perhaps didn’t grasp the 1st Amendment. This is the issue, Jones was sued by private individuals, not by the Government. There is nothing in the 1st Amendment which prohibits those cases against Jones.
  13. Sounds right up your street. Have signed up for the 6 part podcast?
  14. Yep, you made a ridiculous claim and you aren’t happy I pointed out the gaping hole in it. That you have done so in the past only confirms your pattern behaviour. The Tory Rwanda scheme failed because it was ill conceived performative cruelty that was from the outset in breach of UK law. Hundreds of £millions of tax payer’s money pished away on performative cruelty that was doomed to fail and did exactly that.
  15. Perhaps by serendipity, this article appears with an advertisement for real estate. Not that I expect an algorithm might have put together ‘assisted dying’ with ‘property and real estate’, but it might be something worth considering when framing the debate.
  16. Now all you have to do is explain how a party in opposition manages to derail the policies of a Government in possession of an 80 seat majority. Give it your best try.
  17. As in Government deciding who private businesses can lend money to. Sounds a lot like centralized government authoritarianism to me.
  18. The deliberately constructed Holocaust denial lie does not provide any knowledge or insights, it is a lie designed to instill and promote ignorance of the truth.
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