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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. It’s an unsubstantiated claim, you have never backed it up. So no, I don’t believe it. I just called a friend, he doesn’t believe it either.
  2. Actually yes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Conrad_Roy#:~:text=On February 6%2C 2019%2C the,prison sentence would be enforced.
  3. Your posting history speaks otherwise. Hoist on your own petard? I could accuse you of being left wing but I wouldn't because I respect other people's opinions, even if I disagree with them. Please feel free to accuse me of being left wing. I don’t hide my political sympathies when the winds are blowing against them.
  4. A rather dumb non sequitur, given my clear statements in this thread. But I give you full marks for putting effort into it.
  5. That simply not true. I have in multiple occasions recognized your own, and other rightwing members’, very positive anti racist posts on this forum. I have argued such positive anti racist views demonstrate decency and that racist and hate mongering are not ‘characteristics’ of the right wing. So no, I do not only discriminate against ‘rightwing views’. I absolutely do discriminate against racists, on that you have got me banged to rights.
  6. I absolutely do discriminate against extreme right wingers convicted of vile racist calls to burn hotels full of human beings. You got me there, well done.
  7. I suggest you try to get over it. She’s now got a criminal record for ‘race hate crimes’. Her employment options for the rest of her life are a lot fewer than they were before she vomited her racist filth online.
  8. Ah the ‘2 tier Britain’ racist dogwhistle in a thread discussing the conviction of a vile extreme rightwing racist.
  9. Not rightwing political beliefs, extreme rightwing and vile racist beliefs. There’s a difference and it’s one I have mentioned many times on this forum. Not all right wingers are racists, as you and a couple of other rightwing members of this forum frequently demonstrate.
  10. It does if your parents are legally resident. https://www.gov.uk/check-british-citizenship/born-in-the-uk-between-2-october-2000-and-29-april-2006
  11. It has absolutely no bearing on the matter. As demonstrated by the vile extreme rightwing racist being convicted in a court of law.
  12. Her words absolutely are having a consequence. Thankfully only visited upon herself.
  13. I recommend you don’t follow her example without taking professional advice on what the law has to say on the matter.
  14. Calling for hotels to be burned with people in them is not “Wrong speech” It’s full blown hate speech. Words have consequences, this far right racist is going to suffer the consequences of her own words, something far more preferable than others suffering the arson’s track she was calling for.
  15. If born in the UK it makes them British other than by descent - unquestionably British and not an immigrant.
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